Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thankyous In Ceremony Programs

policy crumbs fictitious

The draft new constitution requires 50% of the votes plus one of the universe of voters that borders the 9.7 million Ecuadorians so the government will use a whole publicity machine and demagogic to achieve this goal.
already won the votes of all UNE (National Union of Teachers) by granting a pension of $ 30,000. The indigenous sector will support the government in the referendum for having introduced the Quechua and Shuar official language for intercultural relations. The vote for the gay movement itself because the new Constitution adopted homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexual marriage by maintaining a union-free for a period of time to be determined by law.
Gradually the government "satisfied" and "satisfy" the demands of each sector so that their proposal is the winner. Plus the IESS loans, more grants, more bonuses, social housing plan, that is, more populist measures. Each one will give you a very sweet candy not to support the No and Null.
President Correa undertake a policy of "crumbs" to please everyone with candies to achieve the desired 50% plus one and thus avoid public debate and reflection on major changes in the economic system, structure of power, control agencies, system transition, etc. Someday, the true cost of twenty-first century populism will be overlapped to the whole society. This populism will destroy the dollarization and added a new social cost to the Ecuadorians. Citizens should deeply think their vote and do not lean over the crumbs offered. I have researched a few people about their voting intentions and those who support the majority YES do it for the candy and peanuts. Another group in favor of the SI, will seek a new representative of his socialist revolution in the post-referendum period. Some, however, do not read quite the proposed project will support the government for its apparent good intentions.
The new legal framework should be implemented to consolidate democracy, freedoms, the rule of law and promote a real development based on productivity, economy and technology.
In future issues we will analyze the new Constitution and why it does not meet expectations of citizens in the long term. Also as it can be a dangerous weapon when used by a president eager for power could strengthen corruption and a bogus democracy.


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