Monday, August 25, 2008

fisolofía intellect and Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Party IV

On the transition regime

The transition regime is the scenario created by the assembly if the Ecuadorians are inclined to the SI in the referendum on Sept. 28. Article 17 blatantly violates the installation status of the Assembly which was approved by 82% of citizens. Recall that Section 2 of the statute clearly states that the duration of the Assembly will be 180 days plus a 60-day extension if necessary. The statute indicates that the dissolution of the Assembly will be immediately passed 240 days since their work concluded with the drafting of the new Constitution.
shameless is not set to happen in the country if he does not win because that's the government's election weapon to spread fear and confusion.
XXI century socialists, so much talk about democracy and criticize the dirty practices and vices of the 'party have made the same mistake and seek to shield themselves cleverly in a vote of approval to conceal the illegality. Is that the great revolution citizen?
Art 17 .- (Legislative Branch) Declared end of the period of the deputies, principals and deputies, elected on October 15, 2006. The National Constituent Assembly will meet five days after declaration of the results of the referendum approving to form the Legislative Audit Commission seeking to maintain political proportionality was the plenary of the Constituent Assembly. This Legislative Audit Committee shall perform the functions of the National Assembly under the Constitution, until the election and possessions Assemblymen, as stipulated in the transitional regime.

So why now former Assembly members are to self-summoned five days after the results? Why only a small group (Congresillo) will be responsible for regulation and control? Why have declared a recess if it ceased in office last May 24? Who gave them that right? Why again are to circumvent the people who are his constituents?

If the government, the political bureau, Assemblymen and movements related to President Correa did not respect the statutes approved by popular vote, then the outrage against the new Constitution will a fact.
Several articles in this regime where exhaustively the Legislative Audit Commission, hereafter CLF, assumes many functions which undermined the democratic system. It was an attack on democracy and its genesis is not the popular choice.
The CLF, through Article 18 will choose the members of the National Electoral Council and the Electoral Tribunal. The judicial function is headless because the periods are terminated by the 31 judges and justices of the Supreme Court of Justice and through a public lottery will be chosen only 21 judges. Article 21 is a clear intervention of the legislature (Congresillo or CFL) in the judiciary. Is that democracy? Did the XXI century socialists do not boast of being the most democratic people?
In Article 28, the CFL will exercise its power to elect provisionally Comptroller General, Attorney General, Attorney General, Ombudsman, Telecommunications Supervisor, Companies, Banks and Insurance.
responsibility of every citizen to reflect on whether the transition regime or torn apart helps to strengthen the already weakened democracy in the country. Do not forget that the people are the ultimate authority in a democratic system, then, does the creation of this transition is not fun to this authority?


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