Saturday, July 19, 2008

Play The Poptropia Game


Ecuadorians Again We have been mocked and insulted by the way the pro-government assembly members discussed recent articles in the new Constitution. 82% of the population voted for the establishment of the National Constitutional Assembly (I voted for the no) confided that they would rescue from the ashes to the already moribund economy and democracy, but the reality has been different. In haste, without thorough discussion, it was passing the 200 items missing and today's 8h50am finished sleepily the Constitution with its 444 articles.
The interference of government in the House was clearly pulling the trash of away several items discussed at the tables constituents. It is not ethical, moral or presidential aides interfering in the decisions of the Assembly because it gives rise to the ultimate goal is to obtain a legal framework that conforms to the likes of President Correa that can "govern" (better would reign) to the country. It is very disturbing lack of seriousness that existed in the debates on the right to life, the concept of family, economic system, social security, political rights and state structure.

There are many loose ends in Articles approved which will be subject to various interpretations. In the first section of Chapter 3 of Economic Policy, in its Article 2 paragraph 2 mentions that economic policy should ensure proper distribution of income and national wealth. What is set with the right word? Is it perhaps a likeness or a concept synonymous with fair, equitable and / or solidarity? Very general statements give rise to ambiguous interpretations that will produce future legal conflicts.

has relentlessly criticized the party-for his undemocratic attitude in the legislative session when members enacted laws that were tied to the former leader's political ties and electoral expediency and / or private. Now the big change is to give citizens a president all the powers without being subjected to a real audit. The big change is heading into the economy toward nationalization and wipe out the concept the benefits of a free market. It is a sham democracy that the country is experiencing a false democracy that is markeatada atosigantemente to seem real. The big show of the century is to convince the people that lead us toward a change, this show certainly expensive, has been assembled by the assembly and the government.

Is it socialism and a bogus democracy monarchists tinged what people expected in the next generations? The answer is no. Citizens want a small state where the rule of law and standard of living is increased progressively. Or socialism, or dictatorship, or the nationalization or monarchies such desires lead to citizens.


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