Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Metal Core Wheels Australia

Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part III

Sobre el sistema económico

Art. 283.- El sistema económico es social y solidario; reconoce al ser humano como sujeto y fin; propende a una relación dinámica y equilibrada entre sociedad, Estado y mercado, en armonía con la naturaleza; y tiene por objetivo garantizar la producción y reproducción de las condiciones materiales e inmateriales that make possible the good life .
The only economic system that allows nations to prosper and their people increase their standard of living (increase annual salary) is the free market. The virtue of the system is to reduce poverty and increase employment and domestic savings. The national savings generated an accumulation capital that is transforming poor societies to rich. The more involved, direct, plan, promote, produce, coerce the State in an economy, their fate is underdevelopment.
What is the key to a functioning market economy? Simple, a legal framework is not violated by anyone. Namely that all citizens respect and uphold the rule of law (constitutional law). Democracy plays an important role in the free market because it prevents any autocrat trample the freedoms and rights.
But there is rule of law, the benefits of economic freedom will spread to all citizens generated inequality and corruption niches. The difference between poverty and prosperity is freedom.
Article 276 .- The development scheme has the following objectives: (set out in paragraph two). 2. Build an economic system, just, democratic, productive, supportive and sustainable based on the equal distribution of development benefits, means of production and the generation of dignified and stable.

The proposed new Constitution to a system that failed globally for its abuses of power and causing famine. A socialist system is immoral because it denies a person's natural right to own the value created and a socialist system XXI century is the same but in a rigged through a sham democracy and citizen participation. Equal distribution is socialism and demotivating and disincentive to entrepreneurs and investors. The large fallacy is to believe that wealth is constant over time.

The Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal published jointly every year Economic Freedom Index of all nations and the 2008 report demonstrates, using econometric techniques that older economic freedom indices are given in countries with less government involvement in their economies. The Index of Economic Freedom has documented the progress of the market economy through research and analysis for 13 years, spanning 161 countries.
Thus, Hong Kong ranks first in the world and Chile in the eighth. Chile is the third largest economic freedom after the United States and Canada. From the first issues we confirm that there is a correlation between economic freedom and prosperity, what a year it has been rechecked. They also noted that countries that have improved economic freedom are in turn the fastest growing.

Improve the living standards of citizens means that wages, education, credit, health, savings, investment, productivity, technology, employment, exports, security and raise self-esteem while unemployment, taxes, interest rates, production costs, prices and reduce corruption.
is for each citizen to reflect on whether you want to see Ecuador as a prosperous and developed nation or in a backward and poor.


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