Monday, August 11, 2008

Arthritis More Condition_symptoms In Your Body

vote No in the referendum: Part I

The draft new constitution provides a legal framework ambiguous and tricky which must be crumbled, little by little to understand the legal trap drawn between fights and yawning.

family About

Art. 67. - It recognizes the family in its various forms. The State shall protect and fundamental unit of society and ensure conditions conducive to the full attainment of its objectives. These links may be established by law or in fact and based on equal rights and opportunities of its members. The Marriage is the union between man and woman, based on the free consent of the individual spouses and equality of rights, obligations and legal capacity.

There is one family and there are several types of family. What and how many are the types of family? "Family of two dads or two moms? The ambiguity of the statement is subject to various interpretations where it is not clear to the heterosexual family and categorically denies the possibility of gay families conformations. Family is the basic unit of society, because society is made up of families, and how will the family is society. The family is founded, in the deepest sense, marriage, enduring union of male and female. "Marriage is not just any union between human beings ... has its own nature, essential properties and purpose " (Gaudium et Spes, no. 48)

As recognized

a family of several types and the same links will be established by law or in fact, then this leads to the following interpretation that relates to Article 68. (This article is not completely out in the television post the government when they attack the Catholic Church's position). We're used to the half truths, through the party-members and the assembly did not escape from these shenanigans.

Article 68 .- The stable and monogamous union between two people free of the marriage bond to form a de facto household, for a period and under the conditions and circumstances specified by law, will generate the same rights and obligations of families formed through marriage. The adoption shall only opposite-sex couples.

this article to define and establish the common law does not prohibit homosexual relationships. A man and a woman are people just like two men and two women. Gender is not indicated in the statement, which allows so tricky that homosexual unions, after a time determined by law, obtain the same rights and obligations as a couple united in marriage. Therefore, the end of the article emphasizes the adoptive figure which shall be restricted to opposite-sex couples and not same-sex couples.

is for each citizen to reflect on whether they agree or not with the ethical and moral change proposed by the government in the Constitution.


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