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Today the people of Ecuador has overwhelmingly approved the draft constitution Country-led Partnership and specifically by President Correa. Unofficial data at the national level, the exit poll conducted by pollster Cedatos, are as follows: YES: 69.9% No: 24.9%, NULL, 3.7% and White: 1.5%. The quick count data organization Citizen Participation at the national level show that the SI amounts to 63.2% NO 28.6% achieved the NULL reached 7.2% of the vote and add 1% WHITE.
President Correa devotes his fourth election victory in its two years of government and the country has the Constitution number twenty of its history.

President Correa
apply its "ideological fundamentalism" better known as "the XXI century socialism" in government policies and programs and he alone is to blame for the economic and social disaster to come. Correa Do not accept feeling cornered their negligence and will bill the people because they were the ones that have ratified the new Constitution? The people bet on change for change without thinking if that change is good or bad as many people did not read the 444 articles or the implications of the transition regime. The vote for the new constitution was largely a vote of support for President Correa and areas rural played a casting vote in their political victory.

The vote in these areas does not show a vote for the socialist model belief or sympathy to the president but the gifts given by the government during the last weeks of the campaign influenced the decision and changed the outcome of the referendum. The undecideds and void trend favored the public supported the revolution and the SI won 9 points in just 7 days.

after Sunday's government has 28 no excuse for not leading the nation towards progress and better standards of life for all citizens. The people want results fast and concrete but the political cost is too high. The time of the talk, insults and condemnations are over. I do not get along with the socialist ideas and believe that the regime of good living is the solution to the transcending of the most disadvantaged classes. Poverty will increase and accentuate social differences and we hope that constituents will claim the president for not having been allowed to live in a country proud, sovereign, just, fair and democratic.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

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Who wins the Yes or No?

Tomorrow all Ecuadorians go to the polls to vote for Yes, No, Null and White. The government used all the tools were in his power to promote the Yes in the country, and it was one thing advertising spending atosigantes advertisements, and other, as expected, were the increases in bonuses and salaries, gifts machinery, works with top opening of stones, mortgage loans, free delivery of agricultural inputs, etc.
by the No campaign was very poor with no strong ideas, compelling, and the worst without a national leader to carry the banner against the XXI century socialism, which the vast majority unknown. Ab. Jaime Nebot, Mayor of Guayaquil, led the campaign for a No in this city and where it is estimated that this trend yet win. At the national level is obvious that the trend is going to be winning but the people are voting for President Correa and not by the 444 articles of the new Constitution. It is unlikely that the vote casting embarrassing play a role in the outcome of Sunday 28 but anything is possible in our country (Nebot Bucaram lost to this form.)
economic sustainability of the Constitution is in doubt but the people just vote with heart and passion and more not by reason and reasonableness.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

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Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part VII

on public spending and good living (sumak kawsay)

is a contradiction the articles of the draft constitution that grant new rights Ecuadorians regarding their funding in the long term. The rights of the good life or sumak kawsay obliges the state to 1) ensure free education up to the third level (art. 28 and Art.356) 2) Establish policies that promote food sovereignty (Art. 281), 3) guarantee social security for housewives (Art. 34), 4) Promote resources to ensure the rights of girls and boys (Art. 39 ), 5) Caring for the disabled with free medication and psychological assistance (Art. 47), 6) Ensure the unemployed social security (Art. 34); 7) Caring for adults and older adults by health, medicine, retirement (art.37); 8) Restore the damage to nature and its concerned (Art. 72); 9) Run educational plans, job training, agricultural production, craft, industrial centers of social rehabilitation. (Art. 203).
Article 286.-The public finances at all levels of government, will be conducted in a sustainable way , accountable and transparent and seek economic stability. Permanent expenditures financed permanent income. Ongoing expenditures for health, education and justice will have priority and, exceptionally, be financed with permanent income.
Where are the steady income that allows new rights to be sustainable? Petroleum resources are non-permanent income and taxes are permanent. If permanent income did not cover these costs then, are we in debt? Hugo Chavez will give us the money of the people of Venezuela to prevent splitting of the Bolivarian political project? Delete subsidies? Which ones, if the Art.285 states that fiscal policy has objective of income redistribution using "taxes and subsidies?
Jaime Carrera, the Observatory of Fiscal Policy, stated in Vanguard Magazine No. 152, something troubling: "The state spends half of what it produces" If this is the starting point, the country must reflect whether this is sustainable in the long term. " Ie that 50% of GDP is currently spent by the government with the Constitution of 1998.
11 .- Number 3. The rights are fully justiciable. You can not claim lack of rule of law to justify its violation or ignorance, to dismiss the action for such acts or to deny recognition.
The new rights to ensure the good life have to be executed by the state because citizens can only iniciarle juicios por su incumplimiento.

La interrogante central es: ¿Hay dinero suficiente para sustentar el gasto público venidero en un horizonte no mucho menor de 50 años?

EL régimen del buen vivir es el nuevo “welfare estate” ó Estado de bienestar que no se relaciona en absoluto con el crecimiento económico actual del país y peor con sus índices de productividad. Poco a poco, el gasto público incidirá in attacking inflation sumak kawsay and dollarization.
The issuance of a new currency can sustain government spending and is an immoral tool will be required to carry out their civic revolution. But a great revolution is going to generate citizen when President Correa or to continue to have broken the state, the economy and destroyed their savings and the profits produced with the worst tax (inflation).
every citizen to reflect on whether the new constitution ensures the welfare of this generation and future funding based on real and adjusted to our potential as a nation. We would all like to get something without incurring any cost but we never forget that the economy is no free lunch, at some point you must cancel your invoice. Is the ruler who decides the amount of the bill that the company must pay.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

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Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part VI

on investment

Art 339 .- The State shall promote national and foreign investments, and establish specific regulations according to their types, giving priority to domestic investment. The investments will focus on criteria of diversification, technological innovation, and generation of regional and sectoral balance. Foreign direct investment is complementary to national, shall be subject to strict compliance with the legal framework and national regulations, the implementation of the rights and will be guided by the needs and priorities identified in the National Development Plan, as well as various development plans autonomous governments. Public investment was directed to meet the development objectives of the scheme that the Constitution, against a background of national development plans and local plans and corresponding investment.

Una nación requiere necesariamente de la inversión extranjera para la generación de más empleo y mejorar el nivel de vida de sus habitantes. La inversión nacional es necesaria y bienvenida pero la misma no es suficiente para emprender grandes y multimillonarios proyectos. Es una absoluta contradicción este artículo porque desalienta a la inversión de grandes capitales puesto que la inversión local tiene prioridad. Las normativas ambiguas conducen a interpretaciones equívocas y los sentimentalismos pueden hacernos retornar hacia una visión pasada y fallida del papel de la inversión extranjera directa (IED) en la economía. The governments of the 80 under the ideology of "import substitution" (still the outdated ideas of the revolution socialist citizens profess) implemented tough policies of industrialization that affected economic growth. These policies are concentrated in central planning with few links between external demand and with poor results in terms of production.
FDI should be directed towards sectors with higher added value and not just in the oil and service sectors. It is true that there is greater security in these two industries, but the role of R & D is very essential to break paradigms. It should not be afraid to multinational companies but rather take advantage of them for our benefit. The correct phrase to overcome fears and complexes is not pronounced "YANKEE GO HOME", but rather, Socialists CUBA TO GO LIVE HAPPY!

April 22 2008, El Comercio in an article on FDI states: "During his visit to Mexico, Ecuador's president has indicated that the main pillar to build a secure environment for foreign investment is the creation of new productive institutions and policy change "ensures that the new Constitution? According to statistics from the Central Bank of Ecuador, in 1978, foreign investment (49 million) represented less than 1% of GDP.
Official figures from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to April 31, 2008 show and FDI in our country has fallen sharply and has been accentuated by the intense and atosigante electoral environment of the last two years.
FDI in millions of dollars over the period 2002 to 2007 is as follows: 783, 871, 837, 493, 271 and 179. The percentage change in this period is: 11%, -4%, -41%, -45% and -34% respectively.
According to ECLAC, the period from 1993 to 2002 saw an increase of FDI in almost 60%. Most FDI came from 1998 to 2002 reaching $ 870 million.
reflect the responsibility of every citizen to vote and read carefully the concepts and ideas proposed in the draft constitution and not be guided simply by the charisma and good faith in the presidency.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part V

price controls on

It is a great folly constitutionally establish price controls as its immediate effect is the scarcity of the product on the market.

Section 335 .- The State shall regulate, monitor and intervene, when necessary, in trade and economic transactions and punish the exploitation, usury, hoarding, simulation, brokering speculative goods and services as well as all forms of economic rights and the public and collective goods. The State will define a pricing policy aimed at protecting domestic production, establish mechanisms to avoid penalty practice private monopoly and oligopoly, or abuse of dominant position in the market and other unfair practices .

Price controls that a government makes some products that are sold in the market bring disastrous consequences in an economy. The official prices are prices that political or bureaucratic prices generate scarcity when trying to lower the price artificially to a good whose price has increased due to the influence of various internal and external factors of a country.

demagogic decrees, full of good intentions, end up affecting people with fewer resources and tend to disappear altogether from the market.
Alberto Banegas Lynch, adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, explains clearly given this economic phenomenon. Then, to explain selected to cover milk 1 lt as the product involved whose official price of $ 0.60 while the market price of 0.65 cents.
1) When the government reduces the price of milk decree increases the number of people who want to buy it, which causes an expansion of demand. 2) The increase in demand does not mean that supermarkets and shops have their display cases and racks full of milk, just the opposite: it begins to dwindle. And the shortage is the effect of an increasing number of consumers of milk. 3) From the producers of milk, there are some that are more efficient than others. If one of these do not cover production costs will inevitably close their business. Thus, the supply begins to contract. 4) The expansion of demand was limited, and the contraction of the offer even more marked. 5) The product controlled throw lower operating margins, while other goods and services bring, artificially higher profits. This shifts resources to the less popular areas, which are a waste of capital, which leads to cutting the wages and incomes in real terms, since they depend on existing investments. 6) The above errors and imbalances cause the emergence of black markets. In these the price is much higher, since those who operate them must cover their risk.

is for each citizen to decide whether it is an effective measure to control or harmful rising prices of staples presidential decrees. One of the major causes of rising prices is the significant increase of public expenditure is estimated at 10.33 billion in 2008. There is a growth of 563 million in just one year. Raise a constitutional standard economic fallacy is detrimental to the welfare of society. It is absurd but its applicability to some outdated is simply XXI century socialism.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

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I am very happy to have received the award Sphere intellect and philosophy blogguera part of the Venezuelan journalist and Martha Colmenares. She is a tough defender of freedom, truth and their goal is to get the facts and move us or captivate tracks. We must never forget the wise and Thomas Jefferson's famous phrase when he said: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
If the American people want the freedom to progress then the cost is to ensure that no dictator, populist, socialist disguised as a democracy (well end up being Marxists) snatch us through laws, decrees, orders or constitutions. If the people choose that destination will be partly to blame for what happens. Populists offer everything to the people to get votes without explaining the total cost to society and the financial sustainability over time of social programs implemented. A few crumbs launches populist sometimes necessary to keep the masses calm and avoid lifting and frustration. A populist never accepts the blame for their mistakes and look for someone charged. A populist is not telling the truth but that disrupts the reality for the people only see, hear and understand their way of perceiving the truth. A socialist does the same and manufactures technically poverty through an ideology that threatens man and boom.

If I let my emotions would be guided by a leader who faithfully fulfill these characteristics, but unfortunately my reason and empirical evidence from other countries tell me otherwise.
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Friday, August 29, 2008

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Monday, August 25, 2008

fisolofía intellect and Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Party IV

On the transition regime

The transition regime is the scenario created by the assembly if the Ecuadorians are inclined to the SI in the referendum on Sept. 28. Article 17 blatantly violates the installation status of the Assembly which was approved by 82% of citizens. Recall that Section 2 of the statute clearly states that the duration of the Assembly will be 180 days plus a 60-day extension if necessary. The statute indicates that the dissolution of the Assembly will be immediately passed 240 days since their work concluded with the drafting of the new Constitution.
shameless is not set to happen in the country if he does not win because that's the government's election weapon to spread fear and confusion.
XXI century socialists, so much talk about democracy and criticize the dirty practices and vices of the 'party have made the same mistake and seek to shield themselves cleverly in a vote of approval to conceal the illegality. Is that the great revolution citizen?
Art 17 .- (Legislative Branch) Declared end of the period of the deputies, principals and deputies, elected on October 15, 2006. The National Constituent Assembly will meet five days after declaration of the results of the referendum approving to form the Legislative Audit Commission seeking to maintain political proportionality was the plenary of the Constituent Assembly. This Legislative Audit Committee shall perform the functions of the National Assembly under the Constitution, until the election and possessions Assemblymen, as stipulated in the transitional regime.

So why now former Assembly members are to self-summoned five days after the results? Why only a small group (Congresillo) will be responsible for regulation and control? Why have declared a recess if it ceased in office last May 24? Who gave them that right? Why again are to circumvent the people who are his constituents?

If the government, the political bureau, Assemblymen and movements related to President Correa did not respect the statutes approved by popular vote, then the outrage against the new Constitution will a fact.
Several articles in this regime where exhaustively the Legislative Audit Commission, hereafter CLF, assumes many functions which undermined the democratic system. It was an attack on democracy and its genesis is not the popular choice.
The CLF, through Article 18 will choose the members of the National Electoral Council and the Electoral Tribunal. The judicial function is headless because the periods are terminated by the 31 judges and justices of the Supreme Court of Justice and through a public lottery will be chosen only 21 judges. Article 21 is a clear intervention of the legislature (Congresillo or CFL) in the judiciary. Is that democracy? Did the XXI century socialists do not boast of being the most democratic people?
In Article 28, the CFL will exercise its power to elect provisionally Comptroller General, Attorney General, Attorney General, Ombudsman, Telecommunications Supervisor, Companies, Banks and Insurance.
responsibility of every citizen to reflect on whether the transition regime or torn apart helps to strengthen the already weakened democracy in the country. Do not forget that the people are the ultimate authority in a democratic system, then, does the creation of this transition is not fun to this authority?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

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Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part III

Sobre el sistema económico

Art. 283.- El sistema económico es social y solidario; reconoce al ser humano como sujeto y fin; propende a una relación dinámica y equilibrada entre sociedad, Estado y mercado, en armonía con la naturaleza; y tiene por objetivo garantizar la producción y reproducción de las condiciones materiales e inmateriales that make possible the good life .
The only economic system that allows nations to prosper and their people increase their standard of living (increase annual salary) is the free market. The virtue of the system is to reduce poverty and increase employment and domestic savings. The national savings generated an accumulation capital that is transforming poor societies to rich. The more involved, direct, plan, promote, produce, coerce the State in an economy, their fate is underdevelopment.
What is the key to a functioning market economy? Simple, a legal framework is not violated by anyone. Namely that all citizens respect and uphold the rule of law (constitutional law). Democracy plays an important role in the free market because it prevents any autocrat trample the freedoms and rights.
But there is rule of law, the benefits of economic freedom will spread to all citizens generated inequality and corruption niches. The difference between poverty and prosperity is freedom.
Article 276 .- The development scheme has the following objectives: (set out in paragraph two). 2. Build an economic system, just, democratic, productive, supportive and sustainable based on the equal distribution of development benefits, means of production and the generation of dignified and stable.

The proposed new Constitution to a system that failed globally for its abuses of power and causing famine. A socialist system is immoral because it denies a person's natural right to own the value created and a socialist system XXI century is the same but in a rigged through a sham democracy and citizen participation. Equal distribution is socialism and demotivating and disincentive to entrepreneurs and investors. The large fallacy is to believe that wealth is constant over time.

The Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal published jointly every year Economic Freedom Index of all nations and the 2008 report demonstrates, using econometric techniques that older economic freedom indices are given in countries with less government involvement in their economies. The Index of Economic Freedom has documented the progress of the market economy through research and analysis for 13 years, spanning 161 countries.
Thus, Hong Kong ranks first in the world and Chile in the eighth. Chile is the third largest economic freedom after the United States and Canada. From the first issues we confirm that there is a correlation between economic freedom and prosperity, what a year it has been rechecked. They also noted that countries that have improved economic freedom are in turn the fastest growing.

Improve the living standards of citizens means that wages, education, credit, health, savings, investment, productivity, technology, employment, exports, security and raise self-esteem while unemployment, taxes, interest rates, production costs, prices and reduce corruption.
is for each citizen to reflect on whether you want to see Ecuador as a prosperous and developed nation or in a backward and poor.