Saturday, September 13, 2008

Adjustment Disorder More Condition_symptoms

Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part VI

on investment

Art 339 .- The State shall promote national and foreign investments, and establish specific regulations according to their types, giving priority to domestic investment. The investments will focus on criteria of diversification, technological innovation, and generation of regional and sectoral balance. Foreign direct investment is complementary to national, shall be subject to strict compliance with the legal framework and national regulations, the implementation of the rights and will be guided by the needs and priorities identified in the National Development Plan, as well as various development plans autonomous governments. Public investment was directed to meet the development objectives of the scheme that the Constitution, against a background of national development plans and local plans and corresponding investment.

Una nación requiere necesariamente de la inversión extranjera para la generación de más empleo y mejorar el nivel de vida de sus habitantes. La inversión nacional es necesaria y bienvenida pero la misma no es suficiente para emprender grandes y multimillonarios proyectos. Es una absoluta contradicción este artículo porque desalienta a la inversión de grandes capitales puesto que la inversión local tiene prioridad. Las normativas ambiguas conducen a interpretaciones equívocas y los sentimentalismos pueden hacernos retornar hacia una visión pasada y fallida del papel de la inversión extranjera directa (IED) en la economía. The governments of the 80 under the ideology of "import substitution" (still the outdated ideas of the revolution socialist citizens profess) implemented tough policies of industrialization that affected economic growth. These policies are concentrated in central planning with few links between external demand and with poor results in terms of production.
FDI should be directed towards sectors with higher added value and not just in the oil and service sectors. It is true that there is greater security in these two industries, but the role of R & D is very essential to break paradigms. It should not be afraid to multinational companies but rather take advantage of them for our benefit. The correct phrase to overcome fears and complexes is not pronounced "YANKEE GO HOME", but rather, Socialists CUBA TO GO LIVE HAPPY!

April 22 2008, El Comercio in an article on FDI states: "During his visit to Mexico, Ecuador's president has indicated that the main pillar to build a secure environment for foreign investment is the creation of new productive institutions and policy change "ensures that the new Constitution? According to statistics from the Central Bank of Ecuador, in 1978, foreign investment (49 million) represented less than 1% of GDP.
Official figures from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to April 31, 2008 show and FDI in our country has fallen sharply and has been accentuated by the intense and atosigante electoral environment of the last two years.
FDI in millions of dollars over the period 2002 to 2007 is as follows: 783, 871, 837, 493, 271 and 179. The percentage change in this period is: 11%, -4%, -41%, -45% and -34% respectively.
According to ECLAC, the period from 1993 to 2002 saw an increase of FDI in almost 60%. Most FDI came from 1998 to 2002 reaching $ 870 million.
reflect the responsibility of every citizen to vote and read carefully the concepts and ideas proposed in the draft constitution and not be guided simply by the charisma and good faith in the presidency.


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