Sunday, September 28, 2008

Anorexia Causes More Condition_symptoms


Today the people of Ecuador has overwhelmingly approved the draft constitution Country-led Partnership and specifically by President Correa. Unofficial data at the national level, the exit poll conducted by pollster Cedatos, are as follows: YES: 69.9% No: 24.9%, NULL, 3.7% and White: 1.5%. The quick count data organization Citizen Participation at the national level show that the SI amounts to 63.2% NO 28.6% achieved the NULL reached 7.2% of the vote and add 1% WHITE.
President Correa devotes his fourth election victory in its two years of government and the country has the Constitution number twenty of its history.

President Correa
apply its "ideological fundamentalism" better known as "the XXI century socialism" in government policies and programs and he alone is to blame for the economic and social disaster to come. Correa Do not accept feeling cornered their negligence and will bill the people because they were the ones that have ratified the new Constitution? The people bet on change for change without thinking if that change is good or bad as many people did not read the 444 articles or the implications of the transition regime. The vote for the new constitution was largely a vote of support for President Correa and areas rural played a casting vote in their political victory.

The vote in these areas does not show a vote for the socialist model belief or sympathy to the president but the gifts given by the government during the last weeks of the campaign influenced the decision and changed the outcome of the referendum. The undecideds and void trend favored the public supported the revolution and the SI won 9 points in just 7 days.

after Sunday's government has 28 no excuse for not leading the nation towards progress and better standards of life for all citizens. The people want results fast and concrete but the political cost is too high. The time of the talk, insults and condemnations are over. I do not get along with the socialist ideas and believe that the regime of good living is the solution to the transcending of the most disadvantaged classes. Poverty will increase and accentuate social differences and we hope that constituents will claim the president for not having been allowed to live in a country proud, sovereign, just, fair and democratic.


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