Sunday, September 14, 2008

Woodburners Blueprints

Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part VII

on public spending and good living (sumak kawsay)

is a contradiction the articles of the draft constitution that grant new rights Ecuadorians regarding their funding in the long term. The rights of the good life or sumak kawsay obliges the state to 1) ensure free education up to the third level (art. 28 and Art.356) 2) Establish policies that promote food sovereignty (Art. 281), 3) guarantee social security for housewives (Art. 34), 4) Promote resources to ensure the rights of girls and boys (Art. 39 ), 5) Caring for the disabled with free medication and psychological assistance (Art. 47), 6) Ensure the unemployed social security (Art. 34); 7) Caring for adults and older adults by health, medicine, retirement (art.37); 8) Restore the damage to nature and its concerned (Art. 72); 9) Run educational plans, job training, agricultural production, craft, industrial centers of social rehabilitation. (Art. 203).
Article 286.-The public finances at all levels of government, will be conducted in a sustainable way , accountable and transparent and seek economic stability. Permanent expenditures financed permanent income. Ongoing expenditures for health, education and justice will have priority and, exceptionally, be financed with permanent income.
Where are the steady income that allows new rights to be sustainable? Petroleum resources are non-permanent income and taxes are permanent. If permanent income did not cover these costs then, are we in debt? Hugo Chavez will give us the money of the people of Venezuela to prevent splitting of the Bolivarian political project? Delete subsidies? Which ones, if the Art.285 states that fiscal policy has objective of income redistribution using "taxes and subsidies?
Jaime Carrera, the Observatory of Fiscal Policy, stated in Vanguard Magazine No. 152, something troubling: "The state spends half of what it produces" If this is the starting point, the country must reflect whether this is sustainable in the long term. " Ie that 50% of GDP is currently spent by the government with the Constitution of 1998.
11 .- Number 3. The rights are fully justiciable. You can not claim lack of rule of law to justify its violation or ignorance, to dismiss the action for such acts or to deny recognition.
The new rights to ensure the good life have to be executed by the state because citizens can only iniciarle juicios por su incumplimiento.

La interrogante central es: ¿Hay dinero suficiente para sustentar el gasto público venidero en un horizonte no mucho menor de 50 años?

EL régimen del buen vivir es el nuevo “welfare estate” ó Estado de bienestar que no se relaciona en absoluto con el crecimiento económico actual del país y peor con sus índices de productividad. Poco a poco, el gasto público incidirá in attacking inflation sumak kawsay and dollarization.
The issuance of a new currency can sustain government spending and is an immoral tool will be required to carry out their civic revolution. But a great revolution is going to generate citizen when President Correa or to continue to have broken the state, the economy and destroyed their savings and the profits produced with the worst tax (inflation).
every citizen to reflect on whether the new constitution ensures the welfare of this generation and future funding based on real and adjusted to our potential as a nation. We would all like to get something without incurring any cost but we never forget that the economy is no free lunch, at some point you must cancel your invoice. Is the ruler who decides the amount of the bill that the company must pay.


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