Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oral Diseases More Condition_symptoms

The legalization of drug use: (Part II)

In 1920, consumption of alcohol was banned in the United States through the issuance of Prohibition, which resulted in the collapse of hundreds of businesses and the emergence of gangs (Al Capone) who supplied alcohol poor people with exorbitant prices. The government ceased to collect thousands of dollars in taxes because the legal business of alcohol disappeared. U.S. accepted defeat in their war against alcohol in 1933 and allowed its use.
If governments directed their efforts to attack the drug problem on the demand side results were different and that the legalized use of marijuana, cocaine, heroin immediately cause a reduction in international prices which would not cost the business of drug smuggling, hence the black market disappeared and the organized mafia would be completely annihilated. Drugs would be sold by dealers and not legally registered by gangsters. The legalization of drugs would legalize the production, distribution and consumption. With this new vision and policy for individuals would regain their sovereignty to consume the good that you want (freedom of consumption). Large amounts of money being used to combat smuggling would used in prevention education programs for society and for other social and humanitarian programs.

The Nobel Prize in Economics 1976, Milton Friedman was in favor of legalizing drugs and he had two problems: one economic and one philosophical. The first because the cost of the drug war is a billionaire, while, the second is that no individual should be deprived of choosing what they consume. The proposed regulation should be implemented to the new model of consumption (to reduce the risks of a drug on the market as many people die over illegal by quality of the drug) and this new model would provide more money to a nation with this business tax is now legal. (This money could be allocated to cover the fiscal deficit).

There are several voices who point to the legalization of drug use (and hard candy) with interesting approaches that dates back a decade ago, but governments have preferred to swim against the current. We must not forget that the drug problem must be treated as one of moral and medical, rather than legal.

education in homes, schools and universities and most importantly persuasion are key elements to prevent the solution is worse than the disease. The drug business is good because it is simply illegal, the more illegal it is, the business better.

Blogalaxia Tags: consumer drug legalization


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