Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stem Cells More Condition_symptoms

... The hell of democracy is a sham, but not vote in Falange Batasuna! ...

The nationalist left Bilbao attacked the mayor of Bilbao, Iñaki Azkuna for "worrying about 10 containers" when "20 percent of the Basques" no "right to vote." In addition, he described as "authoritarian and fascist" and said they were "hundreds of heavily armed police and hooded" those who "spread terror" on Saturday in Bilbao.
In a statement, the nationalist left is referred, in this way, the serious incidents that occurred Feb. 14 in Bilbao after the Ertzaintza D3M prevent a manifest to have banned the magistrate Baltasar Garzón .
yesterday, Azkuna denounced "the terror" who were citizens by radical Bilbao what he called "battle" and said that in addition to other damages, poured a total of 200 containers, of which 10 were burned .
Earlier this afternoon, the nationalist left Bilbao issued a statement in which he states that the streets of Bilbao "plasma last Saturday, very graphically, the absence of democracy and freedoms that this country suffers."
"Hundreds of armed police and hooded to preserve her anonymity, gladly complied with the orders of Madrid and tried, by force of arms, to prevent tens of thousands of people to denounce the election rigging that the PSOE has organized for the next 1 March, "he adds.



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