Saturday, February 21, 2009

Should You Wax Before Or After Bed Tanning

The legalization of drug use: (Part I)

The mere thought of eating any type of drug (sweet as hard as marijuana and cocaine) with no restriction seems ridiculous, but if we analyze in depth the issue we see is not always the case and even its legalization would mean the end of the multibillion-dollar drug and a big problem social in Latin America.
In the nineteenth century any drug was banned in the United States and the notion of narcotic drugs and only began to emerge in 1860.
In 1914, Congress enacted the Harrison Act to regulate the use of drugs (except marijuana). In 1916, France was the first country to enact a law against the use of drugs. By the end of the 40 all drugs were made illegal worldwide. In 1999, Plan Colombia was implemented with a budget of 7,500 million dollars, between the governments of Colombia and the United States military to attack drug trafficking in the Andean region and resolve the conflict with the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). In 2009, funding to Colombia was $ 545 million.
The results of the war on drugs has been a failure as the illegal industry generates about 400 billion dollars and its prohibition has created corruption in successive governments, mafias, counterfeit drugs, death, violations of individual rights and is a clear attack on freedom of consumption.

All laws and government policies are aimed at attacking the drug supply on the world stage but the interesting thing would solve the demand side. If the achievements by the supply side (Plan Colombia, drug laws, etc.) Be effective, it would result in a reduction of drug prices by reducing the quantity supplied .. The laws of supply and demand are met in any property to be treated (water, alcohol, bread, colas, burgers, etc..) And drugs do not escape it. The ban has created a lucrative black market of large proportions with many participants and "perverse incentives" which many international organizations and bureaucrats benefit (salary, privileges, bribes) of the status quo.


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