Sunday, August 31, 2008

Are Planters Warts Hollow


I am very happy to have received the award Sphere intellect and philosophy blogguera part of the Venezuelan journalist and Martha Colmenares. She is a tough defender of freedom, truth and their goal is to get the facts and move us or captivate tracks. We must never forget the wise and Thomas Jefferson's famous phrase when he said: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
If the American people want the freedom to progress then the cost is to ensure that no dictator, populist, socialist disguised as a democracy (well end up being Marxists) snatch us through laws, decrees, orders or constitutions. If the people choose that destination will be partly to blame for what happens. Populists offer everything to the people to get votes without explaining the total cost to society and the financial sustainability over time of social programs implemented. A few crumbs launches populist sometimes necessary to keep the masses calm and avoid lifting and frustration. A populist never accepts the blame for their mistakes and look for someone charged. A populist is not telling the truth but that disrupts the reality for the people only see, hear and understand their way of perceiving the truth. A socialist does the same and manufactures technically poverty through an ideology that threatens man and boom.

If I let my emotions would be guided by a leader who faithfully fulfill these characteristics, but unfortunately my reason and empirical evidence from other countries tell me otherwise.
By accepting the prize you must follow certain rules: Put the image on the blog award. Pair it with your blog / website of the person who gave it. Choose seven other blogs / websites. (Or wishing) Leave a comment on each report on the award has been granted.
These are blogs that I have selected and have earned the Award

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wedding Generic Thank You Message

The commander of the aircraft had long argued that without going home!! !

Monday, August 25, 2008

fisolofía intellect and Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Party IV

On the transition regime

The transition regime is the scenario created by the assembly if the Ecuadorians are inclined to the SI in the referendum on Sept. 28. Article 17 blatantly violates the installation status of the Assembly which was approved by 82% of citizens. Recall that Section 2 of the statute clearly states that the duration of the Assembly will be 180 days plus a 60-day extension if necessary. The statute indicates that the dissolution of the Assembly will be immediately passed 240 days since their work concluded with the drafting of the new Constitution.
shameless is not set to happen in the country if he does not win because that's the government's election weapon to spread fear and confusion.
XXI century socialists, so much talk about democracy and criticize the dirty practices and vices of the 'party have made the same mistake and seek to shield themselves cleverly in a vote of approval to conceal the illegality. Is that the great revolution citizen?
Art 17 .- (Legislative Branch) Declared end of the period of the deputies, principals and deputies, elected on October 15, 2006. The National Constituent Assembly will meet five days after declaration of the results of the referendum approving to form the Legislative Audit Commission seeking to maintain political proportionality was the plenary of the Constituent Assembly. This Legislative Audit Committee shall perform the functions of the National Assembly under the Constitution, until the election and possessions Assemblymen, as stipulated in the transitional regime.

So why now former Assembly members are to self-summoned five days after the results? Why only a small group (Congresillo) will be responsible for regulation and control? Why have declared a recess if it ceased in office last May 24? Who gave them that right? Why again are to circumvent the people who are his constituents?

If the government, the political bureau, Assemblymen and movements related to President Correa did not respect the statutes approved by popular vote, then the outrage against the new Constitution will a fact.
Several articles in this regime where exhaustively the Legislative Audit Commission, hereafter CLF, assumes many functions which undermined the democratic system. It was an attack on democracy and its genesis is not the popular choice.
The CLF, through Article 18 will choose the members of the National Electoral Council and the Electoral Tribunal. The judicial function is headless because the periods are terminated by the 31 judges and justices of the Supreme Court of Justice and through a public lottery will be chosen only 21 judges. Article 21 is a clear intervention of the legislature (Congresillo or CFL) in the judiciary. Is that democracy? Did the XXI century socialists do not boast of being the most democratic people?
In Article 28, the CFL will exercise its power to elect provisionally Comptroller General, Attorney General, Attorney General, Ombudsman, Telecommunications Supervisor, Companies, Banks and Insurance.
responsibility of every citizen to reflect on whether the transition regime or torn apart helps to strengthen the already weakened democracy in the country. Do not forget that the people are the ultimate authority in a democratic system, then, does the creation of this transition is not fun to this authority?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Metal Core Wheels Australia

Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part III

Sobre el sistema económico

Art. 283.- El sistema económico es social y solidario; reconoce al ser humano como sujeto y fin; propende a una relación dinámica y equilibrada entre sociedad, Estado y mercado, en armonía con la naturaleza; y tiene por objetivo garantizar la producción y reproducción de las condiciones materiales e inmateriales that make possible the good life .
The only economic system that allows nations to prosper and their people increase their standard of living (increase annual salary) is the free market. The virtue of the system is to reduce poverty and increase employment and domestic savings. The national savings generated an accumulation capital that is transforming poor societies to rich. The more involved, direct, plan, promote, produce, coerce the State in an economy, their fate is underdevelopment.
What is the key to a functioning market economy? Simple, a legal framework is not violated by anyone. Namely that all citizens respect and uphold the rule of law (constitutional law). Democracy plays an important role in the free market because it prevents any autocrat trample the freedoms and rights.
But there is rule of law, the benefits of economic freedom will spread to all citizens generated inequality and corruption niches. The difference between poverty and prosperity is freedom.
Article 276 .- The development scheme has the following objectives: (set out in paragraph two). 2. Build an economic system, just, democratic, productive, supportive and sustainable based on the equal distribution of development benefits, means of production and the generation of dignified and stable.

The proposed new Constitution to a system that failed globally for its abuses of power and causing famine. A socialist system is immoral because it denies a person's natural right to own the value created and a socialist system XXI century is the same but in a rigged through a sham democracy and citizen participation. Equal distribution is socialism and demotivating and disincentive to entrepreneurs and investors. The large fallacy is to believe that wealth is constant over time.

The Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal published jointly every year Economic Freedom Index of all nations and the 2008 report demonstrates, using econometric techniques that older economic freedom indices are given in countries with less government involvement in their economies. The Index of Economic Freedom has documented the progress of the market economy through research and analysis for 13 years, spanning 161 countries.
Thus, Hong Kong ranks first in the world and Chile in the eighth. Chile is the third largest economic freedom after the United States and Canada. From the first issues we confirm that there is a correlation between economic freedom and prosperity, what a year it has been rechecked. They also noted that countries that have improved economic freedom are in turn the fastest growing.

Improve the living standards of citizens means that wages, education, credit, health, savings, investment, productivity, technology, employment, exports, security and raise self-esteem while unemployment, taxes, interest rates, production costs, prices and reduce corruption.
is for each citizen to reflect on whether you want to see Ecuador as a prosperous and developed nation or in a backward and poor.

Delirium Tremens More Condition_symptoms

Reasons to vote No in the referendum: Part II Why

This article analyzes why it is not necessary to include rules for monetary policy and how silently it goes against the dollarization system.
on monetary policy

Article 303 .- The formulation of policies monetary, credit, financial exchange and is the exclusive power of the executive branch and will be implemented through the Central Bank. The law shall regulate the circulation of legal tender currency in Ecuador. The implementation of financial and credit policy shall also through public banks. The Central Bank is a legal entity under public law, whose organization and operation will be established by law.

The formulation of these should be handled with technical and not political and that these will help to cover certain inefficiencies of the incumbent government and to satisfy any plan electioneering.
Monetary policy can not exist under a system of dollarization and the currency issue is not for the Central Bank of Ecuador, but the United States. This article by pointing means it leaves the door open for the demise of the dollar. This system was implemented to end the spiraling inflation and exchange who lived in Ecuador in late 1999 and early 2000. His virtue was to give monetary stability to plan long term and that the value of money is not going to depreciate gradually.
During the 8 years of dollarization not implemented real government policies that strengthen the foundations of the system but rather has been slowly destroying them. This government has not done anything to secure it but rather seeks their removal. Indeed, President Correa does not believe in dollarization and this is confirmed in an essay published as a professor in 2004. The essay is titled: "ECUADOR: Absurd Dollarized A monetary union. (There is a detailed analysis on this topic in the blog and can be found in the article entitled: De-Dollarization and currency in July 2007)
Dollarization is currently dependent on oil revenues (at a price variable) and migrant remittances. The global economic crisis, pushed by the United States is affecting the jobs of compatriots abroad which would lead to a significant decline in remittance income. Policy driven by government subsidies is one of the causes of the silent war against dollarization. Subsidies create distortions in the market, create false expectations among economic agents leading us into an unreal economy. If you do not live an economy based on efficiency results in the medium term will be severe.
The policy of creating a "welfare state" (health and free education to a large coverage) must be supported by permanent income because if experience a sudden drop will be impossible to meet the constitutional standard the "good life" and the usual boring rhetoric we release the hook and Ecuadorians will fall into the trap. The ruling placed on one side of the balance of dollarization and the other the "good life". And we can assume in advance what the fatal outcome.
is for each citizen to reflect on whether they want to return again that political patronage, waste and corruption through the printing machine of tickets.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Arthritis More Condition_symptoms In Your Body

vote No in the referendum: Part I

The draft new constitution provides a legal framework ambiguous and tricky which must be crumbled, little by little to understand the legal trap drawn between fights and yawning.

family About

Art. 67. - It recognizes the family in its various forms. The State shall protect and fundamental unit of society and ensure conditions conducive to the full attainment of its objectives. These links may be established by law or in fact and based on equal rights and opportunities of its members. The Marriage is the union between man and woman, based on the free consent of the individual spouses and equality of rights, obligations and legal capacity.

There is one family and there are several types of family. What and how many are the types of family? "Family of two dads or two moms? The ambiguity of the statement is subject to various interpretations where it is not clear to the heterosexual family and categorically denies the possibility of gay families conformations. Family is the basic unit of society, because society is made up of families, and how will the family is society. The family is founded, in the deepest sense, marriage, enduring union of male and female. "Marriage is not just any union between human beings ... has its own nature, essential properties and purpose " (Gaudium et Spes, no. 48)

As recognized

a family of several types and the same links will be established by law or in fact, then this leads to the following interpretation that relates to Article 68. (This article is not completely out in the television post the government when they attack the Catholic Church's position). We're used to the half truths, through the party-members and the assembly did not escape from these shenanigans.

Article 68 .- The stable and monogamous union between two people free of the marriage bond to form a de facto household, for a period and under the conditions and circumstances specified by law, will generate the same rights and obligations of families formed through marriage. The adoption shall only opposite-sex couples.

this article to define and establish the common law does not prohibit homosexual relationships. A man and a woman are people just like two men and two women. Gender is not indicated in the statement, which allows so tricky that homosexual unions, after a time determined by law, obtain the same rights and obligations as a couple united in marriage. Therefore, the end of the article emphasizes the adoptive figure which shall be restricted to opposite-sex couples and not same-sex couples.

is for each citizen to reflect on whether they agree or not with the ethical and moral change proposed by the government in the Constitution.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thankyous In Ceremony Programs

policy crumbs fictitious

The draft new constitution requires 50% of the votes plus one of the universe of voters that borders the 9.7 million Ecuadorians so the government will use a whole publicity machine and demagogic to achieve this goal.
already won the votes of all UNE (National Union of Teachers) by granting a pension of $ 30,000. The indigenous sector will support the government in the referendum for having introduced the Quechua and Shuar official language for intercultural relations. The vote for the gay movement itself because the new Constitution adopted homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexual marriage by maintaining a union-free for a period of time to be determined by law.
Gradually the government "satisfied" and "satisfy" the demands of each sector so that their proposal is the winner. Plus the IESS loans, more grants, more bonuses, social housing plan, that is, more populist measures. Each one will give you a very sweet candy not to support the No and Null.
President Correa undertake a policy of "crumbs" to please everyone with candies to achieve the desired 50% plus one and thus avoid public debate and reflection on major changes in the economic system, structure of power, control agencies, system transition, etc. Someday, the true cost of twenty-first century populism will be overlapped to the whole society. This populism will destroy the dollarization and added a new social cost to the Ecuadorians. Citizens should deeply think their vote and do not lean over the crumbs offered. I have researched a few people about their voting intentions and those who support the majority YES do it for the candy and peanuts. Another group in favor of the SI, will seek a new representative of his socialist revolution in the post-referendum period. Some, however, do not read quite the proposed project will support the government for its apparent good intentions.
The new legal framework should be implemented to consolidate democracy, freedoms, the rule of law and promote a real development based on productivity, economy and technology.
In future issues we will analyze the new Constitution and why it does not meet expectations of citizens in the long term. Also as it can be a dangerous weapon when used by a president eager for power could strengthen corruption and a bogus democracy.