Friday, November 20, 2009

Social Isolation And Menorrhagia



The selection of the International Taekwon-Do in Venezuela (FITVE), depart for Mar del Plata - Argentina on November 22 to participate in the World Championship ITF Taekwon-Do is held every 2 years. Venezuela participated in many sports including Forms, Fight, Fight Default and Breakups. The victory assured will be the product of perseverance, dedication and discipline of the athlete Over the past years. Worth mentioning that this tournament is the most important event worldwide in this field and this time, the team consists of (9) Athletes (3) Coach, (2) Press and (1) wish doctor.The great success and we are confident that the glorious notes sounded Gloria al Bravo Pueblo thanks to you again. The hope to return on Dec. 3 ..

Itinerary Details:
• Caracas-Buenos Aires International Airport Maiquetía on 22 Nov. at 5:55 am.
• Buenos Aires-Caracas on December 3 flight from Lima at 2:10 am.

If you require more information Please contact 0141-1518900 or through e-mail: . Web Site: .

Friday, September 18, 2009

Broken Capilaries On Breast

Can be tolerant without having previously set the intolerable?
The look of Carlos Javier Palomino

M ª Angeles Maeso

The Greeks invented democracy by making it clear who left out: women, slaves, artisans, farmers, foreigners, beggars ... It was the democracy of the rich did not mess with that was like them.
The globalized world is also calling for democratic government, but more cynical, his speeches are urbi et orbi as if welcoming all. Is not nobody left out? No, the legislators of the world respond. Here we all fit. Does anyone believe it?
Too bad by the end of the last century tell someone to get off the streets and began airing the slogan: "Seems to democracy and it is not." The reality is stubborn and can be more than the fable about the freedoms bequeathed, in our case, for the transition. Much more than look forward, with sardonic smiles, lifelong Democrat.
Many continue in the story. But some early faced the yawning gulf between words and reality. Today, many young people Shout in the street what an earlier generation left him stunned: "It seems it is not democracy." What are screaming
consciousness with deep knowledge of the facts, have seen who makes a site in the city and who is not. Have seen from the front face of the master who sets and removes the roof and bread. Han been murdered beggars die, immigrants, homosexuals, red, ... They have seen workers who are not English rich, white, Catholic and heterosexual is in the spotlight. And worse, they have seen anyone who is not looking down to the eye murderer, also in danger.

A lot has cost them their lives. Since 91, the dead are 75 recorded by the report Raxen at the hands of racist groups and / or neo-Nazis. Figure should be taken only as a sample, then: "In Spain, unlike Germany, the UK and other European Union countries, there is not any official statistics on hate crimes and hate crimes and designed to show assess the scope of the problem "Our democracy is different here too.
The report closes with the name of Carlos Javier Palomino, "November 11, 2007. Madrid. Under 16 years old, killed by a stab in the heart with a knife, with the person at least seven other young people were also injured, one seriously, after an attack by an ultra anti-fascist group in the station Metro Legazpi in Madrid. Police arrested the alleged perpetrator of the stabbing, identified as Josue H., 24, military, reporting that was headed to a rally of the youth of National Democracy "
Carlos Palomino was not last. Four days ago, on the morning of Friday 11 September, in the municipality of La Cabrera (Madrid), Gigi Musat, a mason by profession and a Romanian-born, was sitting on a bench with a friend (also a disabled worker and following a fall from a scaffold), was attacked by a group of five that killed wild kicks. The last thing I heard was: "Rumanian shit, we're going to burn." The news event appears between pages. Terrified. Five brave patriots kicking a young worker. A death and a tree falls in a storm that part. A death is not an event. Terrified not see the differences. Wondering if life terrified this girl must have been really the last to be cut. Terrified.
The news did not have the means today. They know why. These days there is much pain and much anger against the barbaric xenophobic fascist. Young people complain that they have expressed, but they can not do more. Meanwhile, the trial is being held against a soldier poisoned by fascist ideology, the beast has not stopped killing. Terrified. It is impossible that the size of this hatred vanish without a full part in their roots.
say that the trial of Joshua Estébanez be long and it should not matter that there is much to see. Carlos Javier Palomino, not looking only to his murderer: a soldier Nazi who believe in their right to unleash his criminal instinct. Look at the Nazi ideology political parties and political powers that legalized. Look fascist associations and administrative institutions that allow demonstrations against immigrants in working class neighborhoods where they live. Look at the judges who have condemned so many others like Joshua barely negligible. Look at the security forces who arrested, beat and humiliate those who do not sleep with the story of a lifelong Democrat. Carlos Palomino looks at his friends and hear the police were still shouting from cars: "Guarros, up!". Look
journalists who believe in the evil public sentiment de que su muerte, como la de otros cientos más, son sucesos, que acontecen en peleas de barrio, del mismo modo que el franquismo explicaba como altercados callejeros un intento de manifestación para clamar por la libertades.
La mirada de Carlos alcanza a quien enseña a sus crías a salir adelante pisando a los demás. Mira a quien mira hacia otro lado cuando la bestia pronuncia una gracieta como ésta: “Palomino, devuélvenos el cuchillo”. Algunos la ríen.
Carlos no bajará la mirada hasta que no se fije lo intolerable. Sus 16 años subirán desde los sótanos del metro, sin que ya nadie pueda apagarla. Dicen que la de Gigi Musat contaba estrellas en el cielo de la plaza. ¿No os cuesta, lifelong Democrats, the tears?

Friday, August 21, 2009

How Should Cervical Fluid Look Before Period

The ITF TaeKwon-Do not be left behind in the Tourism Fair 2009 Vargas

display FITVE TaeKwon-Do
in Vargas

On Monday August 24 at 11:00 am, the FITVE develop a display of TaeKwon-Do ITF in Sports José María Vargas, which will present demonstrations of fighting, forms and breaking techniques.

We invite you to attend and share this great moment with us! ! !

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Blueprint Measurements Wikipedia

The new chief

There is nothing new to say that the country has a new chief to anyone or anything I can do worse to question and contradict. The chief is identified quickly because he is only the chief and master of all branches of government. The Constitution fails to comply because it is their duty to obey the laws and submit to them. The new chief is ideology XXI century socialism, therefore, the situation becomes more complicated since apart from authoritarian is a manufacturer of misery.
The new chief holds a chieftaincy citizen revolution but it has turned into a revolution utopian one citizen. The new chief is the one who decides to think and do in the revolution. The new chief has a voice but is the holder of the vote with more weight, the vote that defines things.
The new boss wants to create a new city, which possess new values \u200b\u200band socialism will be your new religion. These values \u200b\u200bshould be associated with socialist thought and away from the concept of freedom. The new chief should he a slave society, submissive, fearful and mediocre. How will all this without people to rise up? Easy, the new chief must proclaim El Salvador in the country and to convince the masses that everything he does is for the good of all. Control will not accept any of his actions to free thinkers ridicule and insult their opponents. The delivery of gifts and the facility is very essential.

The new chief does not understand freedom because socialism to operate in a society needs a large state, strong and solid that absorbs all the functions of market civil liberties.

This is a time new chiefs aligned to socialism in Latin America do not know how long this novelty. At times it looked like a mental illness but, I firmly believe that it has become an epidemic without any cure yet.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Exhibition Mall Victoria Avenue Multiplaza 03/07/2009

Dry Tongue More Condition_symptoms

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

White And Black Damask Wrapping

Gender Equality economic crisis facing the
The current economic crisis demonstrates the failure of a model of unbalanced growth, while providing historic opportunity to reverse it. ..... In Spain, contrary to what appear to suggest some headlines, the female unemployment rate remains higher than the male. In addition, women are still a large majority in the more precarious categories
both employment (temporary, part-time underemployment), and unemployment (long, without previous employment without unemployment benefit). Their income and their pensions are much lower and often non-existent, despite working longer hours in total, their poverty rates are much higher.
In short, the situation of women is dramatic, because the crisis is widespread as all sectors are worse off the people who suffer most.

The media highlights the grim figure of 820,200 households in which all
active people are unemployed, identifying these situations with men 'heads
families' with women and children 'dependent', but this idea does not fit reality. Behind this figure there are also men, many women in all types of homes, want to join
employment and are amply prepared for it.

The employment support measures are concentrated in the sectors of construction and automobile;
well as to ensure benefits to people affected by layoffs and people who enjoy and deplete the unemployment benefit. However, no mention is to boost female employment or the collective protection of the unemployed plus vulnerable and composed mainly of women.

In summary, the resources available for situations that affect women down, and whether special mechanisms are enabled is primarily to alleviate situations involving more men. There is still speaking to combat gender violence, but the resources for care are limited, despite the crisis that violent behavior increases and decreases the economic possibilities for women to escape them. And when we approached to undertake crime prevention, there is a risk that the process is halted.
Rest of the manifest and collection of signatures. Http://

Monday, June 15, 2009

Titleist Ap2 Pros And Cons

In the English state does not no guarantees democratic elections even for

What security can provide an election in which the most politically persecuted Bid for power, 1,388 votes were stolen in the Autonomous Region of Country Basque?, ie more than 1% of the votes In that community, where 1% also means passing the Popular Party and probably occupy the third place. If the community in which II-SP is capable of monitoring the results this has happened what happened in no other sites with less capacity to control?. What would have happened if something, such as changing the number from the list of our bid so that votes can be awarded to Application No 30 or 31, or 29 ... either would have occurred in Venezuela, El Salvador and Nicaragua, to name some countries?. What would happen if some media favorable to President Chavez had been criminalized for nearly throughout election day to a candidate of the opposition as did CNN + from us. The hypocrisy and falsehood have no substance when it is immersed who only conceive democracy as a shield for all. There is widespread corruption, but they are Democrats, there are people in prison for their ideology, tortured, but this is a democracy.
That title of democracy must be approved in the day to day, in political practice, respect for human rights .... Thing in the English state does not occur. Here there is no democratic guarantees, even for an election, how many votes have been II-SP really in this election? we will not know ever. In the next will be invited to many international observers .... Http://

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Brazilian Wax- Refreshing

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Diagram And Bugatti Veyron

He said the President of the Community of Madrid it is outrageous that while inflation is -1%, officials also have tenure, have a wage increase of 5% (big lie by the way) frozen targets the sueldo.Me would like to convey this Ms. I consider indecent. Indecent

is that the minimum wage of a worker is of 624 € / month and 3,996 a deputy can get through diet and other perks to 6,500 € / month;
is that a university professor or a surgeon public health earn less than the council of a municipality celebrations third;
is that politicians will raise their salaries at the rate they want, (always unanimously, of course and the beginning of the legislature); Indecent

is to compare the retirement of a deputy and a widow, indecent, is that a citizen has to contribute 35 years to receive a retirement and Members will be sufficient to seven members of the government to collect the maximum pension need only take the oath of office;
is that Members are the only workers (?) in this country that are exempt from taxation a third of its pay income tax, Indecent is placed in administration thousands of advisers, cronies would like to salaries and most qualified technicians;
is mediocre millionaire spending created regional TV in the service of survival in the most mediocre political throne; Indecent

is the huge money spent to support the parties approved by the same politicians who depend on them; Indecent is that a politician is not required to pass a minimum competency test to hold office (to say nothing intellectual or cultural) Indecent

cost is representing the citizens of their meals, official cars, drivers, travel always great class and credit cards everywhere;
is that their Lordships have six months of vacation a year is that their Lordships Indecent upon their termination from the position with a cushion of 80% of salary for 18 months is Indecent

that former ministers, former secretaries of state and senior policy when they cease are the only citizens of this country that can legally receive two salaries public purse;
is to use the media to communicate to society that officials only represent a cost to the pockets of citizens;
is that we hide their privileges as they return to society against those who really serve them. While talking about social policy and social rights? that indecent. Text

come to me via mail.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Where Do I Register A Boat Trailer In Ontario


Big Green Egg Table Design

Open your Mind Proletari @ s ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Watch Nightmare Campus Online


Holcomb Shower Door Parts

International Initiative .....


Cardiovascular Disease More Condition_symptoms

Make tail: for every vote to International Initiative, a blow to Rubalcaba King Juan Carlos by Nikolai Nechaev *

The legal-political tactic that has carried out international initiative has been successful to the extent that it has won the first game to the bourgeois state. On the credit side we must point out two fine tactical elements: - Insert a contradiction among the branches of government, leaving Rubalcaba with the brush "of criminalization and the outlawing" in hand .- The profusion media message of solidarity multiplicative and internationalism as well as denouncing the undemocratic nature of the English State. Voting in elections is not a bourgeois revolutionary strategic tool, but yes, this vote to II, is the best revolutionary direct action we can do for 24 hours on 7 June. The next day onwards, the International Initiative must demonstrate the capacity to develop politically and organizationally a draft confluence of the left breaking with the English monarchy, are independence, sovereignty or claimants of a Third Republic that respects self-determination ( such as Red and current Communist Initiative). II The vote is a vote not going to mobilize the working class (with the exception of EH as demonstrated by its recent general strike), but a vote antirepresivo " aware of the popular sectors, some of which currently militate and other "many more", tens of thousands who have fought in the past, and currently remain in their homes, but nevertheless, despite their political disillusionment, not lost his nose revolutionary. In such circumstances, as would a talk show, his "stubbornness anti" can to an opportunity of this magnitude. At the time, come to this social sector has only been possible thanks to the stupidity of the PSOE government popularity by injecting our bid. Lenin explained very well in his pamphlet on the left, as the Bolsheviks took advantage of campaigns and elections repressive bourgeois (Sometimes boycott, sometimes "chicken" in parliament ") in line with the materialistic interests revolucionarios.El II vote is not communist but many Communist vote will vote in II. Because II vote is a vote against lies UI both as cushion of the regime against the revolutionary left as being the case B of votes of the PSOE. is a vote against the collusion between Willy Meyer and the Ministry of Interior, as demonstrated Sánchez Gordillo by claiming it is tried to drive to the offices of the CUT that warranted a II and not other charges IU endorsed IA for example. In his words, IU had "the claim that the withdrawal of guarantees do wreck the possibility that this nomination could be submitted for election to assume the false suspicions of the Ministry of Interior and thus making the organization active accomplice to the application of a law of parties absolutely contrary to the most basic freedoms. Law, moreover, that IU does not share and rejects ". As you can explain that IU-PCE with a broken hand the piece of paper on the Constitution and with the other hand recognize the rule of law reported, to finally end compliance (otherwise to be "necessary collaborator") the constitutional court's decision although they dislike. That is, rationally can not be otherwise, because they share "in practice" (only principle the accuracy materialistic) principles constitutional, and therefore still part of the constitutional system, with its specific function. You know Willy Meyer and his friends from the club "antibolonia (ICV), which many voters will make a useful vote against the system, ie a vote in II. There will be reminded many voters and activists who have had IU as a reference to the "UI Anguita" (indeed, well worthy its solidarity with II), Rubalcaba was one of the plumbers charge of destroying the autonomy of UI compared to PSOE, to make way for an internal current servile majority in favor of the pact with the PSOE. Among its merits is the theorization of "clip" and sending submarines psocialistas IU with a return ticket. The 'Angus' can also retaliate against Rubalcaba and his acolyte Llamazares, by voting to II. On the other hand, involuntarily scratched votes and PCPE Anti-Capitalist Left, whose parties and activists, from my point of view, have to wonder why he does not pose a problem voting sistema.El II is not a nationalist vote, but If a vote internationalist. As stated in the Basque Communist Madrid Alfonso Sastre, number 1 on the list, the revolutionary and Marxist interpretation of internationalism must be found in Lenin when he remembered "Rosa Luxemburg that she was Polish and that should start from that basis, ie an inter-nationalist conviction, and not a proletarian cosmopolitanism abstract and less mystical. "In other words, internationalism is the unit of concrete struggles from the recognition of all peoples. In the context of the English State, where for some people never consolidated the English nation, but to defend it, and where others, who reject it by reactionary conclude that: either you missed the train of history, denying its existence, or that the train "Franco" gave him his lace bourgeois decadence as a nation, for all of them, in short, is necessary for a consistent left recognizes the different national realities and from there find a point common revolutionary strategy against the bourgeois regime united English. International initiatives in this sense, is a step. II's vote will not be a vote of the radical liberals, but a vote antisocialdemócrata and fascism. Will be a vote tribute to all the reprisals of this regime and in particular a tribute to a lifetime revolutionary as that of Alfonso Sastre, a communist who has managed to be consistent, all an example in the ranks of culture, ... as likely to drink from the grant patronage of the PSOE. Taylor has maintained a dialectical unity what he thinks, says, does and feels, contributing his extensive work in the formation of a new popular hegemony also the ongoing promotion of the revolutionary ideology through the editorial Hiru.El II vote is one more vote to sack the electoral market, but an ideological vote is situated opposite the system and not the features along the system where communicating vessels remain the same. The vote is the beginning of any revolution or may, unfortunately, to express all the social rejection of the crisis (the left are light years away from our class among other things, "disarmament" on the left in the transition, except the left nationalist), but that the system will kick the ass of Rubalcaba and King Juan Carlos, who wave them off, just for that, have risen that day. With or without a hangover, is the joy vote for lies revolutionary monarchy. 7-J rise up the left leg and vote with international initiatives.
* Nikolai Nechaev is militant Communist Initiative and contributor to international journals in Red

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Angela Pitts Real Hair

Legal, illegal and legalized

In the upcoming election European parliament, you and I can choose from several different potential applications.

We may, for example, give our vote and support for National Democracy, whose leader Manuel Canduela lies the explanation of gender violence in two parameters. The first is that too many immigrants come and bring customs, such as hitting a woman, divorced from our own. The second, the introduction of a progressive family traditions that have destroyed the traditional family in which everybody knows, never abused women.

we also offer our support and vote for the republican social movement, as well as support on their website patriotic young socialist movement, will support this call just to the right of neo-Nazi images inciting racism and xenophobia.

These young "nationals" who can stand for European elections are the same as they walked by vallecas March 28, with police escort, laughing in the face of mother killed by another Nazi, Carlos Palomino. The video of the murder came to light recently and it was found as a English army soldier who went to a demonstration xenophobic National Democracy (Remember you can also give their support in European elections to the party) you removed the life of a stab in the heart of this young man of 16 years.

also could put other similar examples of options "curious" to which you and I could vote on June 7. English Falange de las JONS, English Alternative, the National Front or the aforementioned social movement are Republican and Democratic national far-right options to be presented without any problems.

So will the Popular Party, which counts among its leaders and participants affects the genocidal regime of Franco. Your number one to Europe without going further stated not long ago that he saw because he had to condemn the Franco regime when it was a time of "tremendous placidity. "
its founding president also formed a major part of the dictatorship and their executions. Others have supported military invasions and coups, finally.

The PSOE is another option to value, the party that has stood in the repression of the left from the illegality, with the assembly of groups of murderers in the GAL called with the excuse of fighting terrorism swept away militants left and people completely alien to the policy that became "collateral damage" and also from the law with the introduction of party laws and legal frameworks aberrant and undemocratic. Who
not going to vote you and I?

Well, look you, of all the lists presented the government has only seen reason to outlaw one of them: International Initiatives, solidarity among peoples.

This list, which is headed by the best living playwright in English, is a list that brings together people of the militant left and anti-capitalist and whose policy positions are based on three pillars.

One is the struggle against capitalism and demanding responsibilities in this economic model and its supporters by famines, environmental disasters caused by an irrational mode of production, the crisis and the unemployed, impoverished and foreclosures that is leaving by the wayside.

The second, the fight against gender discrimination, patriarchy and sexism. And this state: "But not as a mere formal statement and vacuous, but as a legal requirement, legal and practical to actually enable discrimination. This includes, inter alia, the right and the real possibility of women's control over their bodies, their sexuality and reproductive capacity. "

Third, recognizing the right of self-determination and the commitment to dialogue as a means of conflict resolution, especially in the Basque case because the levels of tension in this conflict are particularly high, with victims and rights violated by all sides.

Well, this list that are actresses, thinkers, mathematicians, union of truth and people of ordinary mortals but who have distinguished themselves by their commitment to human beings and the societies in which it develops ... precisely this, has been declared illegal by the supreme court.

what grounds?

With all the above points are either ETA or ETA is using them without realizing it. Awesome. Supreme says that as Taylor was once a list of ANV which was eventually outlawed, because it is "suspicious" guilty "and" contaminated " all his companions.

The explanation of this list is outlawed and no other affected are themselves much better than he writes:

"What scares them the great powers, the Government, big business, big banks and the international large is that we have people come together in an application that we are not purchased, we are not mercenaries and the political battle we call the struggle against power. "

for obvious we should not fail to raise a few comments on the reasoning of courts-government framework.

For example. If the Minister Rubalcaba was two days ago saying publicly that ETA is in the weakest moment of their history and with little social support ... How can I get support from people who do not seem stupid in light of their biographies, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAndalusia, Castilla, Asturias ...? "ETA has been installed in Parla, in Getafe and among newspaper columnists Public Frabetti Carlo where he writes?," ETA Controls Marinaleda farmers and political positions that abalar this application?.

O well ... If the members of this application are terrorists or collaborate with them ... Why do not you stop?. Anyway, I do not want to give ideas but it seems unusual to say "you can not stand for election because they are dangerous terrorists, ale home Go away and leave us alone, "

No, here is another problem.

But we must pay attention to those who are outlawed in order to understand their actions.

The government and the state, because this is a decision that state for a long run a government that calls itself the left, they make this choice do so from the defense of the privileges of a class, the rich, who have said repeatedly that they do this the anti-capitalism, the right of self-determination and other odds and ends of social justice do not like. And if anyone seriously defend arises, and democracy is just nonsense.

system boundaries seem clear, on the right are sooo elastic as we saw at the beginning of the text but left not exceed any type IU engendrillo not jeopardize the status quo, because things are good for in charge.
These are the same as consent and defend an economic system that kills thousands of hungry people a day are the same that have covered the corruption and the corrupt, the same that have made housing a business and labor another. Are those with the monopoly of information the mainstream media, who heed not the annual reports of the UN in which it is recalled that the English state tortured, are those who push the button that raises the cage leaving these madmen with batons to prevent the free right to demonstrate, those who lament the crisis between shameless dinners and luxury cars, those who support NATO busting civilians with bombs and look away when the bankers are lined at the expense of our peoples, these scoundrels are what we say we are illegal. And we keep quiet.

form a single party, the PPSOE and supported by FALSIMEDIA (all mass media that belong to a couple of banks) seem invincible. But ... if you are ... Why are you so afraid? .. See if you can find.

A hug all people who make up the International Initiative - solidarity among peoples.

Emilio Delgado, social educator and member of the communal platform.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Southpark Fish Sticks Lyrics

. . . some . . .
+ Exhibition Tournament
Cup Maestro Juan Martínez
of 15

. . . Review of the Master Cup John Smith. . .

These are some photos of the Tournament + Exhibition

Cup Maestro Juan Martínez

held on May 15, 2009 in
. . . Multiplaza Paradise Mall. . .
The event was attended by a number of Taekwondo athletes and states of Venezuela, highlighting the excellent participation of athletes from the Federal District and Vargas State.
The primary objective of having made such an event is to promote and disseminate a higher reaches what is TaeKwon-Do ITF FITVE or in Venezuela, therefore, the FITVE each month will remain constant and persistent, as we have always shown developing and conducting exhibitions throughout the length and breadth of Venezuela.

+ Exhibition Tournament
Cup Maestro Juan Martínez

. . .
in Paradise Multiplaza . . .

We invite you on Friday May 15 at the Mall Multiplaza Paradise, our Tournament + Master Cup exhibition Juan Martínez
from 4 pm until 7 pm.

. . . Come and enjoy this great event where you can appreciate the TaeKwon-Do ITF and pass both a different afternoon with your family and friends. . .

. . . See you there! ! ! ! !

Second Tournament + Exhibition: May 22, 2009 in Victoria Multiplaza Mall from 4pm to 7pm