Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cardiovascular Disease More Condition_symptoms

Make tail: for every vote to International Initiative, a blow to Rubalcaba King Juan Carlos by Nikolai Nechaev *

The legal-political tactic that has carried out international initiative has been successful to the extent that it has won the first game to the bourgeois state. On the credit side we must point out two fine tactical elements: - Insert a contradiction among the branches of government, leaving Rubalcaba with the brush "of criminalization and the outlawing" in hand .- The profusion media message of solidarity multiplicative and internationalism as well as denouncing the undemocratic nature of the English State. Voting in elections is not a bourgeois revolutionary strategic tool, but yes, this vote to II, is the best revolutionary direct action we can do for 24 hours on 7 June. The next day onwards, the International Initiative must demonstrate the capacity to develop politically and organizationally a draft confluence of the left breaking with the English monarchy, are independence, sovereignty or claimants of a Third Republic that respects self-determination ( such as Red and current Communist Initiative). II The vote is a vote not going to mobilize the working class (with the exception of EH as demonstrated by its recent general strike), but a vote antirepresivo " aware of the popular sectors, some of which currently militate and other "many more", tens of thousands who have fought in the past, and currently remain in their homes, but nevertheless, despite their political disillusionment, not lost his nose revolutionary. In such circumstances, as would a talk show, his "stubbornness anti" can to an opportunity of this magnitude. At the time, come to this social sector has only been possible thanks to the stupidity of the PSOE government popularity by injecting our bid. Lenin explained very well in his pamphlet on the left, as the Bolsheviks took advantage of campaigns and elections repressive bourgeois (Sometimes boycott, sometimes "chicken" in parliament ") in line with the materialistic interests revolucionarios.El II vote is not communist but many Communist vote will vote in II. Because II vote is a vote against lies UI both as cushion of the regime against the revolutionary left as being the case B of votes of the PSOE. is a vote against the collusion between Willy Meyer and the Ministry of Interior, as demonstrated Sánchez Gordillo by claiming it is tried to drive to the offices of the CUT that warranted a II and not other charges IU endorsed IA for example. In his words, IU had "the claim that the withdrawal of guarantees do wreck the possibility that this nomination could be submitted for election to assume the false suspicions of the Ministry of Interior and thus making the organization active accomplice to the application of a law of parties absolutely contrary to the most basic freedoms. Law, moreover, that IU does not share and rejects ". As you can explain that IU-PCE with a broken hand the piece of paper on the Constitution and with the other hand recognize the rule of law reported, to finally end compliance (otherwise to be "necessary collaborator") the constitutional court's decision although they dislike. That is, rationally can not be otherwise, because they share "in practice" (only principle the accuracy materialistic) principles constitutional, and therefore still part of the constitutional system, with its specific function. You know Willy Meyer and his friends from the club "antibolonia (ICV), which many voters will make a useful vote against the system, ie a vote in II. There will be reminded many voters and activists who have had IU as a reference to the "UI Anguita" (indeed, well worthy its solidarity with II), Rubalcaba was one of the plumbers charge of destroying the autonomy of UI compared to PSOE, to make way for an internal current servile majority in favor of the pact with the PSOE. Among its merits is the theorization of "clip" and sending submarines psocialistas IU with a return ticket. The 'Angus' can also retaliate against Rubalcaba and his acolyte Llamazares, by voting to II. On the other hand, involuntarily scratched votes and PCPE Anti-Capitalist Left, whose parties and activists, from my point of view, have to wonder why he does not pose a problem voting sistema.El II is not a nationalist vote, but If a vote internationalist. As stated in the Basque Communist Madrid Alfonso Sastre, number 1 on the list, the revolutionary and Marxist interpretation of internationalism must be found in Lenin when he remembered "Rosa Luxemburg that she was Polish and that should start from that basis, ie an inter-nationalist conviction, and not a proletarian cosmopolitanism abstract and less mystical. "In other words, internationalism is the unit of concrete struggles from the recognition of all peoples. In the context of the English State, where for some people never consolidated the English nation, but to defend it, and where others, who reject it by reactionary conclude that: either you missed the train of history, denying its existence, or that the train "Franco" gave him his lace bourgeois decadence as a nation, for all of them, in short, is necessary for a consistent left recognizes the different national realities and from there find a point common revolutionary strategy against the bourgeois regime united English. International initiatives in this sense, is a step. II's vote will not be a vote of the radical liberals, but a vote antisocialdemócrata and fascism. Will be a vote tribute to all the reprisals of this regime and in particular a tribute to a lifetime revolutionary as that of Alfonso Sastre, a communist who has managed to be consistent, all an example in the ranks of culture, ... as likely to drink from the grant patronage of the PSOE. Taylor has maintained a dialectical unity what he thinks, says, does and feels, contributing his extensive work in the formation of a new popular hegemony also the ongoing promotion of the revolutionary ideology through the editorial Hiru.El II vote is one more vote to sack the electoral market, but an ideological vote is situated opposite the system and not the features along the system where communicating vessels remain the same. The vote is the beginning of any revolution or may, unfortunately, to express all the social rejection of the crisis (the left are light years away from our class among other things, "disarmament" on the left in the transition, except the left nationalist), but that the system will kick the ass of Rubalcaba and King Juan Carlos, who wave them off, just for that, have risen that day. With or without a hangover, is the joy vote for lies revolutionary monarchy. 7-J rise up the left leg and vote with international initiatives.
* Nikolai Nechaev is militant Communist Initiative and contributor to international journals in Red


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