Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Angela Pitts Real Hair

Legal, illegal and legalized

In the upcoming election European parliament, you and I can choose from several different potential applications.

We may, for example, give our vote and support for National Democracy, whose leader Manuel Canduela lies the explanation of gender violence in two parameters. The first is that too many immigrants come and bring customs, such as hitting a woman, divorced from our own. The second, the introduction of a progressive family traditions that have destroyed the traditional family in which everybody knows, never abused women.

we also offer our support and vote for the republican social movement, as well as support on their website patriotic young socialist movement, will support this call just to the right of neo-Nazi images inciting racism and xenophobia.

These young "nationals" who can stand for European elections are the same as they walked by vallecas March 28, with police escort, laughing in the face of mother killed by another Nazi, Carlos Palomino. The video of the murder came to light recently and it was found as a English army soldier who went to a demonstration xenophobic National Democracy (Remember you can also give their support in European elections to the party) you removed the life of a stab in the heart of this young man of 16 years.

also could put other similar examples of options "curious" to which you and I could vote on June 7. English Falange de las JONS, English Alternative, the National Front or the aforementioned social movement are Republican and Democratic national far-right options to be presented without any problems.

So will the Popular Party, which counts among its leaders and participants affects the genocidal regime of Franco. Your number one to Europe without going further stated not long ago that he saw because he had to condemn the Franco regime when it was a time of "tremendous placidity. "
its founding president also formed a major part of the dictatorship and their executions. Others have supported military invasions and coups, finally.

The PSOE is another option to value, the party that has stood in the repression of the left from the illegality, with the assembly of groups of murderers in the GAL called with the excuse of fighting terrorism swept away militants left and people completely alien to the policy that became "collateral damage" and also from the law with the introduction of party laws and legal frameworks aberrant and undemocratic. Who
not going to vote you and I?

Well, look you, of all the lists presented the government has only seen reason to outlaw one of them: International Initiatives, solidarity among peoples.

This list, which is headed by the best living playwright in English, is a list that brings together people of the militant left and anti-capitalist and whose policy positions are based on three pillars.

One is the struggle against capitalism and demanding responsibilities in this economic model and its supporters by famines, environmental disasters caused by an irrational mode of production, the crisis and the unemployed, impoverished and foreclosures that is leaving by the wayside.

The second, the fight against gender discrimination, patriarchy and sexism. And this state: "But not as a mere formal statement and vacuous, but as a legal requirement, legal and practical to actually enable discrimination. This includes, inter alia, the right and the real possibility of women's control over their bodies, their sexuality and reproductive capacity. "

Third, recognizing the right of self-determination and the commitment to dialogue as a means of conflict resolution, especially in the Basque case because the levels of tension in this conflict are particularly high, with victims and rights violated by all sides.

Well, this list that are actresses, thinkers, mathematicians, union of truth and people of ordinary mortals but who have distinguished themselves by their commitment to human beings and the societies in which it develops ... precisely this, has been declared illegal by the supreme court.

what grounds?

With all the above points are either ETA or ETA is using them without realizing it. Awesome. Supreme says that as Taylor was once a list of ANV which was eventually outlawed, because it is "suspicious" guilty "and" contaminated " all his companions.

The explanation of this list is outlawed and no other affected are themselves much better than he writes:

"What scares them the great powers, the Government, big business, big banks and the international large is that we have people come together in an application that we are not purchased, we are not mercenaries and the political battle we call the struggle against power. "

for obvious we should not fail to raise a few comments on the reasoning of courts-government framework.

For example. If the Minister Rubalcaba was two days ago saying publicly that ETA is in the weakest moment of their history and with little social support ... How can I get support from people who do not seem stupid in light of their biographies, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAndalusia, Castilla, Asturias ...? "ETA has been installed in Parla, in Getafe and among newspaper columnists Public Frabetti Carlo where he writes?," ETA Controls Marinaleda farmers and political positions that abalar this application?.

O well ... If the members of this application are terrorists or collaborate with them ... Why do not you stop?. Anyway, I do not want to give ideas but it seems unusual to say "you can not stand for election because they are dangerous terrorists, ale home Go away and leave us alone, "

No, here is another problem.

But we must pay attention to those who are outlawed in order to understand their actions.

The government and the state, because this is a decision that state for a long run a government that calls itself the left, they make this choice do so from the defense of the privileges of a class, the rich, who have said repeatedly that they do this the anti-capitalism, the right of self-determination and other odds and ends of social justice do not like. And if anyone seriously defend arises, and democracy is just nonsense.

system boundaries seem clear, on the right are sooo elastic as we saw at the beginning of the text but left not exceed any type IU engendrillo not jeopardize the status quo, because things are good for in charge.
These are the same as consent and defend an economic system that kills thousands of hungry people a day are the same that have covered the corruption and the corrupt, the same that have made housing a business and labor another. Are those with the monopoly of information the mainstream media, who heed not the annual reports of the UN in which it is recalled that the English state tortured, are those who push the button that raises the cage leaving these madmen with batons to prevent the free right to demonstrate, those who lament the crisis between shameless dinners and luxury cars, those who support NATO busting civilians with bombs and look away when the bankers are lined at the expense of our peoples, these scoundrels are what we say we are illegal. And we keep quiet.

form a single party, the PPSOE and supported by FALSIMEDIA (all mass media that belong to a couple of banks) seem invincible. But ... if you are ... Why are you so afraid? .. See if you can find.

A hug all people who make up the International Initiative - solidarity among peoples.

Emilio Delgado, social educator and member of the communal platform.


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