Friday, September 18, 2009

Broken Capilaries On Breast

Can be tolerant without having previously set the intolerable?
The look of Carlos Javier Palomino

M ª Angeles Maeso

The Greeks invented democracy by making it clear who left out: women, slaves, artisans, farmers, foreigners, beggars ... It was the democracy of the rich did not mess with that was like them.
The globalized world is also calling for democratic government, but more cynical, his speeches are urbi et orbi as if welcoming all. Is not nobody left out? No, the legislators of the world respond. Here we all fit. Does anyone believe it?
Too bad by the end of the last century tell someone to get off the streets and began airing the slogan: "Seems to democracy and it is not." The reality is stubborn and can be more than the fable about the freedoms bequeathed, in our case, for the transition. Much more than look forward, with sardonic smiles, lifelong Democrat.
Many continue in the story. But some early faced the yawning gulf between words and reality. Today, many young people Shout in the street what an earlier generation left him stunned: "It seems it is not democracy." What are screaming
consciousness with deep knowledge of the facts, have seen who makes a site in the city and who is not. Have seen from the front face of the master who sets and removes the roof and bread. Han been murdered beggars die, immigrants, homosexuals, red, ... They have seen workers who are not English rich, white, Catholic and heterosexual is in the spotlight. And worse, they have seen anyone who is not looking down to the eye murderer, also in danger.

A lot has cost them their lives. Since 91, the dead are 75 recorded by the report Raxen at the hands of racist groups and / or neo-Nazis. Figure should be taken only as a sample, then: "In Spain, unlike Germany, the UK and other European Union countries, there is not any official statistics on hate crimes and hate crimes and designed to show assess the scope of the problem "Our democracy is different here too.
The report closes with the name of Carlos Javier Palomino, "November 11, 2007. Madrid. Under 16 years old, killed by a stab in the heart with a knife, with the person at least seven other young people were also injured, one seriously, after an attack by an ultra anti-fascist group in the station Metro Legazpi in Madrid. Police arrested the alleged perpetrator of the stabbing, identified as Josue H., 24, military, reporting that was headed to a rally of the youth of National Democracy "
Carlos Palomino was not last. Four days ago, on the morning of Friday 11 September, in the municipality of La Cabrera (Madrid), Gigi Musat, a mason by profession and a Romanian-born, was sitting on a bench with a friend (also a disabled worker and following a fall from a scaffold), was attacked by a group of five that killed wild kicks. The last thing I heard was: "Rumanian shit, we're going to burn." The news event appears between pages. Terrified. Five brave patriots kicking a young worker. A death and a tree falls in a storm that part. A death is not an event. Terrified not see the differences. Wondering if life terrified this girl must have been really the last to be cut. Terrified.
The news did not have the means today. They know why. These days there is much pain and much anger against the barbaric xenophobic fascist. Young people complain that they have expressed, but they can not do more. Meanwhile, the trial is being held against a soldier poisoned by fascist ideology, the beast has not stopped killing. Terrified. It is impossible that the size of this hatred vanish without a full part in their roots.
say that the trial of Joshua Estébanez be long and it should not matter that there is much to see. Carlos Javier Palomino, not looking only to his murderer: a soldier Nazi who believe in their right to unleash his criminal instinct. Look at the Nazi ideology political parties and political powers that legalized. Look fascist associations and administrative institutions that allow demonstrations against immigrants in working class neighborhoods where they live. Look at the judges who have condemned so many others like Joshua barely negligible. Look at the security forces who arrested, beat and humiliate those who do not sleep with the story of a lifelong Democrat. Carlos Palomino looks at his friends and hear the police were still shouting from cars: "Guarros, up!". Look
journalists who believe in the evil public sentiment de que su muerte, como la de otros cientos más, son sucesos, que acontecen en peleas de barrio, del mismo modo que el franquismo explicaba como altercados callejeros un intento de manifestación para clamar por la libertades.
La mirada de Carlos alcanza a quien enseña a sus crías a salir adelante pisando a los demás. Mira a quien mira hacia otro lado cuando la bestia pronuncia una gracieta como ésta: “Palomino, devuélvenos el cuchillo”. Algunos la ríen.
Carlos no bajará la mirada hasta que no se fije lo intolerable. Sus 16 años subirán desde los sótanos del metro, sin que ya nadie pueda apagarla. Dicen que la de Gigi Musat contaba estrellas en el cielo de la plaza. ¿No os cuesta, lifelong Democrats, the tears?


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