Saturday, June 21, 2008

How To Put A Floor In A Jon Boat

Neoliberalism: Is it an invention or not? : Part I

is very common to hear President Correa and members of his government to use the term neoliberalism during his speeches, interviews and political rallies. Does not escape from being quoted in the debates of the Constituent National Assembly. Neoliberalism is accused of being the main cause of poverty and inequality in the Ecuadorian society because this system, they say, only generate benefits to the rich and the poor becomes poorer. Is it true? Is neoliberalism really exists? What who is credited with the formulation of this term?

To Enrique Ghersi, the term "neoliberalism" is confusing and of recent origin. He says that is not a myth, but a figure of speech by which seeks to distort the original meaning of the concept and assimilate our ideas to others, whether for the purpose of discrediting them in the political market. One of their sources gives Ghersi confused when exposed to Ludwig von Mises talked about two kinds of liberalism in his philosophical works. Thus, in the "liberalism" is used to designate the Socialists and other hidden enemies of freedom, in the "socialism" to refer to liberalism after the subjective theory of value. The translation from German into English helped this happen and is regarded as "neuen Liberalismus" as "neo-liberalism." It has also been associated with the social market economy to neoliberalism. The creator of this concept, Mueller-Armack, uses the term "neoliberalism" not to qualify for the social market economy as such, but rather to distinguish it from other liberal currents (Mueller-Armack not specify what other current Liberals). In one of the last constitutional reforms made by the assembly system eliminates the social market economy into one that is "social and solidarity." It would be rare, they have believed in the existence of this relationship. But I am inclined to that most removed it because they will not know anything about the market. If there is a market economy there must be another that is a state-run economy. In the 80's, the governments of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher took some measures that promote the free market for their countries out of economic stagnation which had fallen fruit of socialist ideas prevailing in the political, academic and intellectual. This is regarded by the Socialists, as the birth of neoliberalism because it reflects the principles of liberalism as a new Western policy.

Neoliberalism is a word that was invented by enemies of freedom to try to discredit liberalism, and its greatest exponents. Neoliberalism is a derogatory term toward a defender of the free enterprise system.

The original concept is liberalism and all who defend liberalism is considered a liberal. A liberal is defending the supreme value of individual liberties, freedom understood as freedom from coercion.

The enemies of freedom indicate that the Liberals want the freedom to do that they want and get richer at the expense of the needy. But freedom does not mean lawlessness. It is the rule of law is the rule of law that sets out the rules. Thus, they avoid any kind of abuse (physical, mental, economic, legal, etc.). Any member of society. We are free, if we are all obliged to comply.

Liberals believe in a government of limited functions and in a state that does not monopolize all the services and take over strategic sectors of an economy. In the country there has been no real reduction of the state and worse still a rule of law that promotes free market system so you can not talk about that liberalism has been the cause of inequality and poverty.


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