Monday, May 9, 2011

Picknic Table Blueprint

reverse switch.

Maybe you do, too. It happens mostly on Mondays. In the aftermath of the trial of freedom of the weekend. There's like a pinch, something that tells one that the distance between the pleasure principle (which we would like it) and reality (which is what there is) has gone to swell.

I think what is not going to be, which I will become, in the postponement of the project, independence, conquest social, the other possible world. I think it is too. In the precariousness of life subject to, and we shall see, the "maybe later" to "is what you get."

as my limitations in internal and external feed back, because I do not know if it's society that goes fucking generous and courageous young people who fight for a better world, or are we powerless or adults irresponsible, or both at the same time, we walk step by opening the rabble that governs us.

contemplate again the same play. The same cars of the same parties asking them to vote. The same useful idiots who approach the car, greet, they leave with a balloon and a lollipop party with the slogan printed.
The very obvious (and effective) lie repeated. The same irrelevance in the paper gives us the drama.

Because ....¿ cares who gets elected?. Will these be corrupt local councils? Will stop diverting public funds to companies from family or friends? Does anyone care to restore power, dignity, money ... to those who have less? Is he going to face, really, any of these parasites to the real powers that govern us?

I think the news coming to work every day, reduction of social service programs, layoffs, cuts. There is talk that you have to sacrifice, to renounce once again live in peace ..... I think of as the Community of Madrid spent more than a million euros in opening the Teatro del Canal de Isabel II or the 1.2 million in laying the first stone of the City of Justice, or in the € 200,000 that cost the maquetitas of this work has not yet begun.

I PSOE giving him the money to the banks, worried that sank the swimming in the sea of \u200b\u200bplenty, those who have sunk in life. The allegations of torture in prisons and police stations which annually by Amnesty International, the rapporteur on torture of the UN, as they have twisted his neck to look across the media, unions, Garzón (This anti-fascist hero incriminate himself imprisoned with hundreds of anti-fascists who denounced torture)

I think of my companions fired, in the everyday burdens of the people I love, in the balances that make not fall off the tightrope because they had to sell off the networks and now, if you fall, fall, and uninsured. Have been tightened in and around us all inside and outside prisons around us since childhood.

I look at the succession of different campaigns election slogans. In its slogans written confession. "All for change" "The necessary change" "Time Changes" "The time for change ".... the only thing that changes is that every time ell @ s are more powerful, and we @ s less.

And I also think that since we are prisoners, because we are prisoners of our minds and our desires, our attachments and frustrations of the structures that determine and dominate us, this state is itself a prisoner of economic and religious powers ..... how nice it would be prisoners in struggle.

aware that prisoners are prisoners and quietly organized the riot and escape. First overthrow the interior cells, our ego, the abominable apathy and conformism our horrible education and training that we undergo from early on. And would give rise to another model prisoner, who does not compete with their peers but cooperating in a common good that proclaim together, I will not be overcome by high walls that separate you from the freedom that would vindicate his humanity in a inhuman.

An army of prisoners and whether it would be a good thing. Because then, and now I do not speak in the conditional, also feed back into internal and external events, and one does not know if this impulse of self that gives rise to a new world or the experience of that world that transforms and recovers the best of who we are.

That is the glory and the reward of those who struggle, knowing that change is not going to bring this bunch of crap coming out on TV to civilized ways and medieval practices that the only possible change in our lives and our world are bringing them with their struggles tiny, silent, unstoppable.

I come to mind the struggle for health and public education, "youth with no future and no fear", the neighborhood they shout platforms must stop them, the fledgling but militant trade union movement to be reappropriated for the workers' struggle and denounces the CCOO and UGT collaboration with the state of things, the example of internationalism and class struggle of international initiatives, the liberation movements, English, movements and processes .... Republicans full of difficulties, housing both the opportunity and the worst enemy is always one that leads inside. But if we can win this, inside .... the distrust, the role and stiffness .... then yes, we tod @ s far less prisoners and enemies without, and may not appear so great.


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