Sunday, November 28, 2010

Congratulation Message Mariage


On November 27 met 37 of the most powerful English companies with the prime minister of Spain. Democratically elected president by the citizens using their right to national sovereignty. That is, the representative of the people, who have given citizens the power to govern a state with tremendous economic, political and military, had a meeting with a few citizens high-profit private companies.

Ya, I know that at this point in the text many knees will be punching the floor with laughter, come on, I focus.

Rather, the meeting was among those who really govern the country and the intermediaries who have these with the rest of the population. Because the only discussion between the PP and PSOE is qualitative (what is or not do) but quantitative (give us a twist or two, and how long).

Both agree that we must "reform", "action", "make sacrifices." Well, take steps to reform and reserve it for them, leaving the issue of sacrifice for the rest of us poor. Lo and behold, as the partisan interests outweigh those of all the capitalists, and this makes it difficult for these measures are taken once, have been the 37 dwarfs to explain the sleeping king to do what the hell time .

I mean, of the 37 companies that were at the meeting, 16 have signed a document called "transformed Spain" to be sent directly to the king. In the document with the link let down if you are interested, they question a lot more than merely economic. Openly raises the need for a change in the political model, economic status ... These guys if

they can play, to us when we come up with ideas given to us by shouting in the street so the noise just to annoy someone and they send us to the riot, they instead, you see ... direct line to the king. With two balls.

As I said, the paper "transforms Spain" states the existence of a much deeper crisis than the economic. Alert the very low credibility left to the governance project emerged from the transition.

The prestige of the unions, politicians or disbelief about the separation of powers (a cornerstone of any democracy), are listed correctly in the text, however, suggests a transformation from below, democratic model, but arises directly and have to pass through which solutions and provides the parameters from which it must reach them.

For illustrious authorities signing the document, the problem is that the two companies have been gaining political elections usually weigh more than the desire to rule that the "sense of state" and thus is difficult to get to a "solid "and" presentable "to make government effective and presentable inside the model abroad. Therefore have to reach agreements in various fields untouchable as economics, politics, state model, etc ...

No, do not panic (yet), have also had time to make a proposal to the model citizen who does not clash in that picture painted.

The text speaks of five points that should build the new model citizen:

• The Citizen depositary responsible for the values \u200b\u200bof a country (sic),
• The Citizen voter
• The Citizen consumer
• The City financier and producer
• The City of socioeconomic value.

To start trembling, anyone with a minimal notions of class struggle politics and knows what they are talking. It's about develop values \u200b\u200band attitudes according to the system that governs us, it is that we adopt their principles, it is closed to further colonization of the minds and hearts.

Why lock up a human being in the sphere of production and consumption and reduce their political participation to the choice of Pepsi or Coke, is a way of making modern slaves.

The contradictions of the market economy, where power is increasingly evident that it is in the hands of large economic groups, and democracy where power should lie with the people in this contradiction, it is in you are playing the future of humanity. That union

impossible to capitalism and democracy is what is making water a long time and in the absence of long-term vision of the political class, more engaged in managing their plots of power and graft, at dribbling in securing short-term a future system goes down, the true owners of the farm are a step forward, down from the office on the top floor to offices and require the manager to put the batteries will not be that much wiggle shake them herds, dislodging the snack that has cost so much effort building. You see, they have already taken positions.

Another thing has to take into account the rich document is the commitment to strengthen a country brand. Talking to enhance the brand "Spain" as a compelling value, this also translate it, means promoting English.

not hard to see that behind this. A few days ago came a CIS survey showed soaring independence sentiment in Catalonia, while in the Basque Country Abertzale Left continues to generate problems to a state unable to delete it from the map and sees the possibility of a panic legal independence left with enough popular support to become the second political force in the Basque Parliament and could serve as an example for the rest of the state.

What is really afraid of is that a political force that is out of the script, and how, to overcome the isolation media and announce another form of politics, fear that someone with dignity can point fingers and let they are exposed. As one example: (Statement by Jon Idígoras Batasuna deputy in the Congress of Deputies on May 11, 1994.)

hypothetical union of the left-independence forces with other state-level policies would be a very dangerous cocktail for the interests of those who want to organize the state no more voice than the PPSOE.

therefore appropriate to promote the values \u200b\u200bdistinctly "English", making Alonsos, Nadal and Rojas to blanket those icons link to "the illusion of a country" and called a party pooper, unfriendly and separatist who has a different model. This allows sow discord among workers in peripheral countries and the rest of the English state making it difficult to drive with the common threat posed by real enemies, among others, but fundamentally, those who sat at the table of "government and business"

These flip the revolutionary slogan, there is neither seeking class warfare, and peace between peoples.

They may be accused of many things, but not unpredictable.


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