Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fishsticks South Park Quotes

oil funds: a feast is given to new entrants populist?

The National Constituent Assembly decreed the removal of oil funds (trusts), which were fed with surplus revenue from oil exports. The objective to be achieved is to make the government of President Correa can handle a policy of "flexible" and not very rigid. That is, now about 1,700 million dollars credited to the Treasury Single Account and discretion to manage them without any restriction. Government officials have asserted that these new revenues is the income treated as capital and not current.
What is really worrying is the proper use and purpose that the government will give, and that, in case of capital income should be used for investments and only for that. If these revenues are used only for the current spending (wages increased, patronage, gifts and to satisfy certain social sectors to allay any type of strike or shutdown), the future of Ecuador's economy could fall into checkmate. At some point in time horizon state accounts could become overwhelming and affect directly the dollarization system and economic growth.
exemplify To better understand what a simple way: Imagine a family whose members use all their income (salary, commissions, sales, etc.) To meet your current needs (food, health, education, entertainment, etc..) And not save a small percentage of those revenues for any tipo de eventualidad no prevista (accidentes, enfermedades graves, embarazo, muerte, etc.). ¿Qué le sucedería a esta familia cuando se le presente un problema que le demande un gasto que no estaba presupuestado? Tendría que endeudarse con un familiar o un vecino al cual se le debe pagar a tiempo de lo contrario no le prestará más dinero. La familia pueda que sucumba ante este problema, se vuelva insolvente de un momento a otro y su nivel de vida cambie totalmente.

¿Se dará un festín populista con los nuevos ingresos? ¿Se los empleará de forma sensata dirigidos a proyectos de inversión y ahorro para épocas de vacas flacas?

No debió haberse eliminated the savings and contingency fund (FAC) to prevent any dirty hand politicking on duty and devour the money. The Assembly should have put a clause to that end it's only used in situations of emergency that would result in strong social impact.
governments branded a socialist tinge fair, caring and decent and so end up harming more bravado ends which initially sought to protect, namely the poor.


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