Sunday, March 20, 2011

120-55 Queens Boulevard Kew Gardens Ny

"This five-capitalist culture centuries have exhausted their possibilities, "

José Luis Sampedro. Writer and Economist. think the world is in the era of confusion and moves to another model. The only solution is education and thought.

Do we need a revolution more than ever?

What we need is to re-educate. may catastrophes like nuclear suggesting that what we are doing is not right. Censorship of young people because they have no political sense . Not that happen, they want something else. Look here, we will change is safe. Another world is safe, history is change. now go through I call a time of barbarism because they have degraded all those values \u200b\u200bthat comment. Is a time of confusion to another different model. This capitalist culture five centuries has exhausted its possibilities.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Catch A Pikachu In Silver

Iceland does not , Maghreb itself

mobilizations in Iceland can not be presented by the media with sympathy but with concern.

Following addressed the issue several days ago, the silent revolution Icelandic which has been a shift in the political landscape of this small European nation, we must ask what is the reason that an event of this nature has not been reflected in the media, while every day we had breakfast and eat dinner (TVE has reached have three journalists in Cairo) to the events of the Maghreb, with popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.

mobilizations in Iceland, those who have charged two governments, which have demanded the imprisonment of the country's economic jerifaltes, who have refused to assume the debts of banks, which have promoted a popular assembly to draft a new Constitution which have given the finger to the IMF and markets, these demonstrations can not be presented by the media with sympathy but with concern. Why would climb on stage to a people who, far from being reversed, to assume foreign debt and taxation irrational, has said enough.

Milena Velba - The Letter

SOCIAL an approaching Tsunami.
René Otaduy - Izquierda Castellana.

The "tsunami", a force of nature as the loose after the powerful earthquake in Japan a few days ago, and it is feared may have caused over 1,500 deaths, is a big wave or series of waves generated in a water body by the violent thrust of a force that moves vertically.
Earthquakes are a major cause of the "tsunami", but can also provoke volcanoes, meteorites, landslides, coastal and underground and even explosions of great magnitude.

For an earthquake originates a "tsunami" on the sea floor abruptly be moved vertically so that the ocean is driven out of their normal balance. When that vast body of water attempts to regain its equilibrium, waves are generated.
The first wave is usually not the highest, but is very similar to normal, then there is a dramatic decline in sea level followed by the first tidal wave, followed by several others (data from Cuba Debate: / who-is-y-as-you-how-a-tsunami-infografia / )

these days look astonished the Japanese people's suffering in the aftermath of the combined effect of an earthquake and tsunami. The violence of natural phenomena is being increased, and there are few voices that warn us of such phenomena as a result of imbalance in nature caused by the system of capitalist production and destruction. More allá de esta línea de reflexión, existen ciertos paralelismos entre este fenómeno de la naturaleza con la situación que vivimos desde un punto de vista social, económico y político en el conjunto de pueblos bajo jurisdicción del estado español son evidentes: el tsunami es un fenómeno de la naturaleza que se produce en tres fases consecutivas, la actual ofensiva neoliberal también, y sus consecuencias para las clases trabajadoras son desastrosas en ambos casos.