Thursday, December 30, 2010

Leigh D Xtreme Curves

into alarm.

No need to have read Marx, but it is advisable to understand what the hell is a strike, which (sometimes I think I rave) all seem to have forgotten. The strike is not a matter of law, nor the level of the right plays. The right belongs to that used to be called superstructure. The strike is an intervention in the infrastructure. So that the right to strike is stupid supine. And the issue of minimum services is only one way to turn off the main weapon of the workers from the pressures of capital, its power of flight. So let's talk about what should be obvious that that Vaneigem called basic banalities. The strike is a mechanism that is in the decoded dimension of class struggle, or, if you prefer the jargon Nietzschean space forces inherent in conflict. The strike is, plain and simple, the abolition of the relationship between exploiters and exploited, and therefore, suppression of production of surplus value that relationship is: self-suppression of the worker as such. Every strike is necessarily what we now call wildcat strike: breakdown of the relationship-capital, invention of communism. So let yourself with the history of crap that a wildcat strike that is unacceptable and other crap like that. If you find unacceptable in a wildcat strike, at least I know one thing, they know which side they are on the side of the exploiters, the side of capital and their businesses. Know also that I have as a friend .......

Full text at Paul's blog Lópiz sang TURMOIL = 1292509104403 # c8276248245560453132