Saturday, April 25, 2009

Brazilian Wax Close-up

Invitation We invite

am April 26, Earth Day has join in the Parque del Este (Concha Acústica) at 10 am. The reason for this appointment is to develop an exhibit of ITF Taekwon-do all those people who will be visiting the park on this special day.
you there! ! ! !

. . . Photos of the activity. . .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Colitis More Condition_symptoms What Is It?

Great display by the National Center
Taekwondo Taekwon-Do


The National Taekwon-Do, associated with FITVE (International Taekwon-Do in Venezuela), has once again, demonstrated and released ITF Taekwon-Do Venezuela time developing this excellent exhibition facilities:

Circu ito Judicial Work Area tropolita I Caracas na

on April 15, 2009 . is grateful for the participation and support to the following members of the Federation

Display Team: Juan José Martínez

IV Dan Isaac Dan Rodriguez I
Jimmy Black Stripe Red
Goncalves Rafael Durán Luis Vielma
Blue Green Yellow
David Araque Stephany Rodriguez
green stripe Igor Lira Amarillo Amarillo

Elena Bracho White yellow stripe
Ivan Ojeda
yellow stripe White
Larissa Inns yellow stripe White

Some photos from the exhibition 15 04 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ss Silverado For Sale

Mensaje de la F I T V E en Semana Santa 2009

Feliz Semana Santa le desea la FITVE a todos y cada de sus mienbros . . .Cuidense mucho, pasenla estupendamente y recuerden que a partir del próximo lunes se reinician las clases de TaeKwon-Do de manera normal en cada uno de los clubes,centros y escuelas

. . . Happy Holy Week. . .

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Is Lung Cancer More Condition_symptoms

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